Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series Known Issue List

ID 683584
Date 3/13/2025
Document Table of Contents The F-Tile Ethernet Intel FPGA 200G Hard IP block is de-featured and cannot be used in production devices with OPNs that have no suffix (blank) or 'B' suffix


The F-Tile Ethernet Intel FPGA 200G Hard IP block is de-featured and cannot be used in production devices with OPNs that have no suffix (blank) or "B" suffix. Starting with the release of Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 23.4, an error message appears when the block is included in the design.


If your design requires use of the 200G Hard IP block, use production devices with OPNs that have "C" suffix. If you are using production devices with OPNs that have no suffix (blank) or "B" suffix, and your design includes the 200G Hard IP block, contact the Intel customer support team for additional information.


Table 4.  Device Status Table
Devices Affected Planned Fix
Agilex™ 7 production devices with no suffix (blank) or "B" suffix OPNs Agilex™ 7 production devices with "C" suffix OPN