Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series Known Issue List

ID 683584
Date 3/13/2025
Document Table of Contents Slow Completion response from Configuration requests targeting R-Tile Endpoint connected to Downstream port with finite Completion Header/Data credits


When the R-Tile Intel FPGA IP for PCI Express* in Endpoint mode connects to a downstream port with finite completion header/data credits, you might notice a slow completion response from configuration requests targeting R-Tile, even if the link partner advertises enough completion credits.

R-Tile tracks the credits consumed by a completion generated from configuration requests and withholds the completion transmission until the link partner releases credits from previously transmitted completions.

A slow response might occur if the link partner does not frequently update the completion credit due to its internal UpdateFC scheduling mechanism or if the link is fully utilized for other transactions. This slow response might occasionally cause a completion timeout on the requester's end.

Impacted Modes

  • PCIe IP in endpoint mode




Table 35.  Device Status Table
Devices Affected Planned Fix
  • AGIx019R18Axxxxx
  • AGIx023R18Axxxxx
  • AGIx022R29Axxxxx
  • AGIx027R29Axxxxx
  • AGIx022R31Axxxxx
  • AGIx027R31Axxxxx
  • AGIx041R29xxxxxx
  • AGIx041R31xxxxx
Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 24.3.1