Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series Known Issue List

ID 683584
Date 3/13/2025
Document Table of Contents Bifurcated ports using Independent PERST pins might fail to link up after configuration is complete


When using Enable Independent PERST pins to implement bifurcated x8x8 ports in R-Tile Avalon Streaming Intel FPGA IP for PCI Express in Endpoint mode, both ports might fail to link up if one of the ports is not supplied with a reference clock (refclk0/1) and its corresponding pin_perst0_n/pin_perst1_n is not tied to a weak pull-down during configuration. After configuration is complete and the reference clock(s) (refclk0/1) become available, toggling the pin_perst_n or the corresponding pin_perst0_n/pin_perst1_n does not recover the links and you must reconfigure the FPGA.

Impacted Modes

  • PCIe* IP in endpoint mode




Table 36.  Device Status Table
Devices Affected Planned Fix
  • AGIx041R29xxxxxx
  • AGIx041R31Exxxxx
Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 24.3