Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series Known Issue List

ID 683584
Date 3/13/2025
Document Table of Contents FPGA Reconfiguration May Cause Device to Halt


During reconfiguration of the Agilex™ 7 FPGA device that performs a firmware reload, the device may halt if the following conditions are true:
  • Attestation or Black Key Provisioning (BKP) is enabled.
  • There are no clocks on TCK (JTAG clock) since the last reset.
For example, if you enable Attestation or BKP as well as tie TCK low through a pull-down resistor, as recommended in the Pin Connections Guidelines, the device may halt during the FPGA reconfiguration.


To workaround for this issue:
  • You must use the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 21.3 or later, which includes the required firmware for Attestation or BKP.
  • Do not connect the TCK pin to ground. You may leave the TCK pin unconnected.
    Note: The unconnected TCK pin does not affect the device functionality. Recommendation from Pin Connections Guidelines (not mandatory): Connect TCK pin through a 10kΩ pull-up resistor to the VCCIO_SDM supply, for additional noise suppression.


Table 47.  Device Status Table
Devices Affected Planned Fix
  • AGFx012xxxxxxx
  • AGFx014xxxxxxx
  • AGFx022xxxxxxx
  • AGFx027xxxxxxx
  • AGIx022xxxxxxx
  • AGIx027xxxxxxx