Arria 10 GX Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit User Guide

ID 683553
Date 8/08/2017
Document Table of Contents

5.12.1. Power Measurement

There are ten voltage rails that are monitored by an LTM2987 and LTC2974 Power Monitor devices. The voltage rails monitored are listed in the table below. These power monitor devices are capable of measuring the voltage, measuring the current, trimming the voltage, and sequencing the order at power on and power off. Voltages can be trimmed up to +/-10%. Communication to these devices is through I2C interface. A Linear Technology power monitor application know as LTPowerPlay can be utilized to measure, trim, and observe each voltage rail's condition.

Table 24.  Measured Voltage Rails
Rail No. Measured Net Name Voltage Description
1 VCC 0.8V/0.85V/0.9V FPGA Core voltage
2 VCCRL 0.9V/1.1V XCVR RX path - left side
3 VCCRR 0.9V/1.1V XCVR RX path - right side
4 VCCTL 0.9V/1.1V XCVR TX path - left side
5 VCCTR 0.9V/1.1V XCVR TX path - right side
6 VCCH 1.8V XCVR TX Buffer
7 VCCRAM 0.95V FPGA Memory Power pins
8 A10GX_1.8V power 1.8V FPGA I/O
9 12V 12V 12V Input Power
10 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V Input Power