Video and Image Processing Suite User Guide

ID 683416
Date 2/12/2021

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20.3.3. Choosing and Loading Coefficients

The filter coefficients, which the polyphase mode of the scaler uses, may be specified at compile time or at run time.

At compile time, you can select the coefficients from a set of Lanczos-windowed sinc functions, or loaded from a comma-separated variable (CSV) file.

At run time, you specify the coefficients by writing to the Avalon-MM slave control port.

When the coefficients are read at run time, they are checked once per frame and double-buffered so that they can be updated as the IP core processes active data without causing corruption.
Figure 71. Lanczos 2 Function at Various PhasesThe figure below shows how a 2-lobe Lanczos-windowed sinc function (usually referred to as Lanczos 2) is sampled for a 4-tap vertical filter.
Note: The two lobes refer to the number of times the function changes direction on each side of the central maxima, including the maxima itself.

The class of Lanczos N functions is defined as:

As can be seen in the figure, phase 0 centers the function over tap 1 on the x-axis. By the equation above, this is the central tap of the filter.

  • Further phases move the mid-point of the function in 1/Pv increments towards tap 2.
  • The filtering coefficients applied in a 4-tap scaler for a particular phase are samples of where the function with that phase crosses 0, 1, 2, 3 on the x-axis.
  • The preset filtering functions are always spread over the number of taps given. For example, Lanczos 2 is defined over the range –2 to +2, but with 8 taps the coefficients are shifted and spread to cover 0 to 7.

Compile-time custom coefficients are loaded from a CSV file. One CSV file is specified for vertical coefficients and one for horizontal coefficients. For N taps and P phases, the file must contain N×P values. The values must be listed as N taps in order for phase 0, N taps for phase 1, up to the Nth tap of the Pth phase. You are not required to present these values with each phase on a separate line.

The values must be pre-quantized in the range implied by the number of integer, fraction and sign bits specified in the parameter editor, and have their fraction part multiplied out. The sum of any two coefficients in the same phase must also be in the declared range. For example, if there is 1 integer bit, 7 fraction bits, and a sign bit, each value and the sum of any two values must be in the range [–256, 255] representing the range [–2, 1.9921875].

The bicubic method does not use the preceding steps, but instead obtains weights for each of the four taps to sample a cubic function that runs between tap 1 and tap 2 at a position equal to the phase variable described previously. Consequently, the bicubic coefficients are good for up scaling, but not for down scaling.

If the coefficients are symmetric and provided at compile time, then only half the number of phases are stored. For N taps and P phases, an array, C[P][N], of quantized coefficients is symmetric if for all and .

That is, phase 1 is phase P–1 with the taps in reverse order, phase 2 is phase P–2 reversed, and so on.

The predefined Lanczos and bicubic coefficient sets satisfy this property. If you select Symmetric for a coefficients set in the Scaler II IP core parameter editor, the coefficients will be forced to be symmetric.