Nios II Classic Software Developer’s Handbook

ID 683282
Date 5/14/2015
Document Table of Contents

15.1.8. nios2-bsp-update-settings


nios2-bsp-update-settings [--bsp-dir <directory>] 
 [--cmd <tcl command>] [--cpu-name <cpu name>] 
 [--debug] [--extended-help] [--help] [--jdi <filename>] 
 [--librarian-factory-path <directory>] 
 [--librarian-path <directory>] [--log <filename>]
 [--script <filename>] [--set <name> <value>] 
 --settings <filename> [--silent] 
 [--sopc <filename>] [--verbose] [--version]


  • --bsp-dir <directory>: Path to the directory where the BSP files are generated. Use . for the current directory. The directory <directory> must exist.
  • --cmd <tcl command>: Run the specified Tcl command. Multiple --cmd options are allowed.
  • --cpu-name <cpu name>: The name of the Nios II processor that the BSP supports. This argument is useful if the hardware design contains multiple Nios II processors. Optional for a single-processor design.
  • --debug: Output debug, exception traces, verbose, and default information about the command's operation to stdout.
  • --extended-help: Displays full information about this command and its options.
  • --help: Displays basic information about this command and its options.
  • --jdi <filename>: The location of the .jdi file generated by the Quartus Prime software. The .jdi file specifies the name-to-node mappings for the JTAG chain elements. The tool inserts the .jdi path in If no .jdi path is specified, the command searches the directory containing the .sopcinfo file, and uses the first .jdi file found.
  • --librarian-factory-path <directory>: Comma-separated librarian search path. Use $ for default factory search path.
  • --librarian-path <directory>: Comma-separated librarian search path. Use $ for default search path.
  • --log <filename>: Create a debug log and write to specified file. Also logs debug information to stdout.
  • --script <filename>: Run the specified Tcl script with optional arguments. Multiple --script options are allowed.
  • --set <name> <value>: Set the setting called <name> to <value>. Multiple --set options are allowed.
  • --settings <filename>: File name of an existing BSP settings file to update.
  • --silent: Suppress information about the command's operation normally sent to stdout.
  • --sopc <filename>: The .sopcinfo file to update the BSP with. It is recommended to create a new BSP if the design has changed significantly. This argument is useful if the path to the original .sopcinfo file has changed.
  • --verbose: Output verbose, and default information about the command's operation to stdout.
  • --version: Displays the version of this command and exits with a zero exit status.


The nios2-bsp-update-settings command updates an existing Nios II .bsp file. The path to an existing .bsp file is a mandatory command-line option. The command modifies the settings file so the file must have write permissions. You might want to use the --script option to pass the default Tcl script to the nios2-bsp-update-settings command to make sure that your BSP is consistent with your system (this is what the nios2-bsp command does).

If no command-line arguments are specified, this command returns an exit value of 1 and sends a help message to stderr.


For more information about this command, use the --extended-help option to display comprehensive usage information.