Nios II Classic Software Developer’s Handbook

ID 683282
Date 5/14/2015
Document Table of Contents elf2flash


The elf2flash utility takes a software file in ELF format and translates it to a FLASH file that can be programmed into the flash memory connected to an Altera FPGA.


elf2flash [--boot=file] [--debug] [--base=addr] [--save]
       [--quiet] [--epcs] [--end=addr] [--verbose] [--silent] [--help]
       [--log=file] [--after[=file]] [--input=file] [--reset=addr]
       [--offset=offset] [--sim_optimize[=value]] [--output=file]


    --after[=<file>]           Start output at address immediately
                               following data in specified .flash file
    --base=<addr>              flash base address
    --boot=<file>              boot copier SREC file
    --debug                    debug mode
    --end=<addr>               flash end address
    --epcs                     epcs flash mode
    --help                     print this message
    --input=<file>             input ELF file to process
    --log=<file>               file for logging progress
    --offset=<offset>          EPCS offset
    --output=<file>            output flash file
    --quiet                    only print errors
    --reset=<addr>             CPU reset address
    --save                     save intermediate files
    --silent                   silent mode - same as quiet
    --sim_optimize[=<value>]   Optimize for simulation
    --verbose                  lots of interesting information

The elf2flash utility converts the software and data within an ELF file in the address range [base, end] into a FLASH file. This utility can also optionally insert a boot copier into the FLASH file to copy the software from flash memory to RAM before running it.