F-Tile CPRI PHY Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683281
Date 9/30/2024

2.2.3. Sources and Probes

The design example uses multiple instances of In-System Sources and Probes IPs (ISSP). These IP instances are mainly used to control the resets, and to capture status. The following tables summarize the different ISSP instances and their functions. For more information, refer to Design Debugging Using In-System Sources and Probes.
Remember: In the following tables, n = number of channels, up to 4.
Table 22.  ISSP Instance 0 (issp_rst)
Port Name Width Description
source 1 + 3*n
Used to control different resets.
  • Bit 0: i_reconfig_reset
  • Bit 1: i_rx_rst_n
  • Bit 2: i_tx_rst_n
  • Bit 3: i_rst_n
probe 1 + 3*n Read back the same signals from source.
Table 23.  ISSP Instance 1 (issp_pll_lock)
Port Name Width Description
source 1 Unused
probe 1 iopll_sclk_locked – PLL lock status from IOPLL that generates sampling_clk.
Table 24.  ISSP Instance 2 (issp_patgen)
Port Name Width Description
source 1*n Unused
probe 1*n checker_pass—asserted when the test is completed without error.
Table 25.  ISSP Instance 3 (issp_dl)
Port Name Width Description
source 1*n restart—resets the pattern generator/checker.
probe 20*n rt_count—captures the value of counter_out from the Round Trip Counter module.
Table 26.  ISSP Instance 4 (issp_status)
Port Name Width Description
source 1*n Unused
probe 20*n
Captures various status signals:
  • Bit 0: o_rx_cdr_lock
  • Bit 1: o_tx_pll_lock
  • Bit 2: o_rx_block_lock
  • Bit 3: o_tx_hip_ready
  • Bit 4: o_rx_pcs_ready
  • Bit 5: o_rx_ready
  • Bit 6: o_tx_ready
  • Bit 7: o_rx_rst_ack_n
  • Bit 8: o_tx_rst_ack_n
  • Bit 9: hyperframe_sync (from pattern checker)
  • Bit 10: rt_cnt_done (from measure_done of Round Trip Counter)
  • Bit 11: error_flag (from pattern checker)
  • Bit 12 to 19: unused