Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683236
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Object Set Console

The Object Set Console helps you conveniently navigate and manipulate the currently selected, highlighted, or colored node object sets when you have multiple lists to manage in the console. To launch the Object Set Console dialog box, select View > Object Set Console Window on the RTL Analyzer menu.

The Object Set Console is split into a top pane and a bottom pane, which are explained in the following sections:

Top Pane of the Object Set Console Window

The top pane displays the design's currently selected, highlighted, or colored nodes.

Consider an example where you traced fan-in or fan-out connectivity of your design. When you view a specific traced path, it gets highlighted in the schematic viewer. When you click Show Path for one or more traced paths, the top pane lists all paths in different color codes, as shown in the following image:

Figure 16. Top Pane of the Object Set Console
Note: You can save all highlighted paths and restore them anytime using the Save and Restore options, respectively, from the context-sensitive menu.

Use the context-sensitive menu to change node color, rename the traced path identifier, toggle a node's visibility, hide one or more traced paths. or delete a node from the list, as shown in the following image:

Figure 17. Object Set Console Window

To change the node color, use the Change Color option. Alternatively, you can directly use the Highlight option in the bottom pane to select a color and highlight the traced path in the desired color.

Figure 18. Changing Node Color from the Context-sensitive Menu

Bottom Pane of the Object Set Console Window

When you select one of the nodes in the top pane, the bottom pane displays a tree or list view of all netlist objects (ports, instances, instance ports, and nets) that are part of that node. Using the context-sensitive menu, you can select and view the desired node in a new tab within the schematic viewer and highlight/unhighlight the path with a different color.

With the View sub-options (List, Hierarchy, and Type), you can change the view of the traced paths. By default, the objects are organized hierarchically in the bottom pane.
  • List lists out all the netlist objects.
  • Hierarchy arranges the netlist objects in the traced path hierarchically. This is the default view.
  • Type categorizes and lists netlist objects by type (for example, Ports and Nets).
Figure 19. Bottom Pane Context-sensitive Menu
Figure 20. Example of Displaying a Node in a New Tab in the Schematic Viewer

Bottom Pane

The bottom pane lists all netlist objects, such as ports, instances, instance ports, and nets, currently selected in the schematic viewer, as shown in the following image. Using the context-sensitive menu, you can view the object in a new tab or locate the node in the design file.