Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683236
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Synopsys* Design Constraint (SDC) on RTL

SDC-on-RTL supports SDC files written using SDC 2.1-compliant SDC commands and can support general Tcl code that the Tcl console can parse. These SDC files target your design netlist, allowing you to target hierarchical ports

  • Currently, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software Tcl console does not support sdc_ext Tcl packages, but they are still supported in the Timing Analyzer Tcl console.
  • Intel® Quartus® Prime software GUI-based constraint authoring is currently disabled for SDC-on-RTL SDC files and .sdc files with RTL_SDC_FILE assignments.
  • Issues, such as incorrect options or other syntax errors, found in the SDC-on-RTL SDC files are posted as warnings in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software GUI and message console.

For more information about how to manage SDC-on-RTL SDC files, refer to the following topics: