Visible to Intel only — GUID: bqi1559057914730
2.1. Compilation Overview
2.2. Using the Compilation Dashboard
2.3. Design Netlist Infrastructure
2.4. Design Synthesis
2.5. Design Place and Route
2.6. Incremental Optimization Flow
2.7. Fast Forward Compilation Flow
2.8. Full Compilation Flow
2.9. Exporting Compilation Results
2.10. Integrating Other EDA Tools
2.11. Compiler Optimization Techniques
2.12. Synthesis Language Support
2.13. Synthesis Settings Reference
2.14. Fitter Settings Reference
2.15. Design Compilation Revision History
2.9.1. Exporting a Version-Compatible Compilation Database
2.9.2. Importing a Version-Compatible Compilation Database
2.9.3. Creating a Design Partition
2.9.4. Exporting a Design Partition
2.9.5. Reusing a Design Partition
2.9.6. Viewing Quartus Database File Information
2.9.7. Clearing Compilation Results
3.1. Factors Affecting Compilation Results
3.2. Strategies to Reduce the Overall Compilation Time
3.3. Reducing Synthesis Time and Synthesis Netlist Optimization Time
3.4. Reducing Placement Time
3.5. Reducing Routing Time
3.6. Reducing Static Timing Analysis Time
3.7. Setting Process Priority
3.8. Reducing Compilation Time Revision History
Visible to Intel only — GUID: bqi1559057914730
4. Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide Design Compilation Archives
For the latest and previous versions of this user guide, refer to Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Compilation . If a software version is not listed, the guide for the previous software version applies.