Accelerator Functional Unit Developer Guide: Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000 Variants

ID 683190
Date 7/15/2022
Document Table of Contents

4.2.2. AFU File

Your AFU requires a CCI-P package and a UUID for proper connectivity with host software. See example below:
import ccip_if_pkg::*;
module hello_afu
    input  clk,    // Core clock. CCI interface is synchronous to this clock.
    input  reset,  // CCI interface ACTIVE HIGH reset.
    // CCI-P signals
    input  t_if_ccip_Rx cp2af_sRxPort,
    output t_if_ccip_Tx af2cp_sTxPort
	`define AFU_ACCEL_UUID 128'h850adcc2_6ceb_4b22_9722_d43375b61c66
    // The AFU must respond with its AFU ID in response to MMIO reads of
    // the CCI-P device feature header (DFH).  The AFU ID is a unique ID
    // for a given program.  Here we generated one with the "uuidgen"
    // program and stored it in the AFU's JSON file.  ASE and synthesis
    // setup scripts automatically invoke the OPAE afu_json_mgr script
    // to extract the UUID into afu_json_info.vh.
    logic [127:0] afu_id = `AFU_ACCEL_UUID;
Note: For a more complicated example where multiple sub-AFUs are instantiated, refer to Factory_Image/hw/afu/rtl/

The software framework and the application software use the AFU_ID to ensure that they are matched to the correct AFU; that is, that they are obeying the same architectural interface.

The AFU_ID is a 128-bit value which is generated using an UUID/GUID generator to ensure the value is unique.

For more information about UUID/GUID, refer to the "Online GUID Generator" web page.