High Bandwidth Memory (HBM2) Interface FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683189
Date 3/29/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.2. Simulating High Bandwidth Memory (HBM2) Interface Intel® FPGA IP with ModelSim* and Questa*

  1. Launch the ModelSim simulator.
  2. Select File > Change Directoryand navigate to: project_directory/sim/ed_sim/sim/mentor
  3. Verify that the Transcript window is visible; if it is not, display it by selecting View > Transcript.
  4. In the Transcript window, run source msim_setup.tcl at the bottom of the ModelSim tool screen.
  5. After the Tcl script finishes running, run ld_debug in the Transcript window. This command compiles the design files and elaborates the top-level design.
  6. After ld_debug finishes running, the Objects window appears. In the Objects window, select the signals to simulate by right-clicking and selecting Add Wave from the context menu.
    For example, if you want to see the HBM2 interface signals, select the module mem0_0 from the Instance window. With mem0_0 selected, go to the Objects window and select the signals that you want to see. (If the Objects window is not visible, you can display it by selecting View > Objects.
  7. To run the HBM2 simulation, type run -all.
    If the simulation is not visible, select View > Wave. With the Wave window open, select File > Save Format. Click OK to capture your selected waveforms in a wave.do file. To display the waveforms, type do wave.do, and then type run -all.
    Whenever you make changes to the design or to the wave.do, you must repeat step 7 of this procedure. Alternatively, you can combine the instructions into a script and run that script instead. The following example illustrates a run.do script containing the necessary commands:
    if {[file exists msim_setup.tcl]} {
            source msim_setup.tcl
            do wave.do
           run -all } else {        error "The msim_setup.tcl script does not exist. 
    Please generate the example design RTL and simulation scripts. See ../../README.txt 
    for help." }
    Save the run.do script in the same directory as the msim_setup.tcl file. Type do run.do to run this script from the Transcript window.
  8. Upon completion of the simulation, the Transcript window displays efficiency data and other useful information.