Nios® II Flash Programmer User Guide

ID 683118
Date 11/06/2017
Document Table of Contents

2.3. Working with Flash Programmer Settings Files

The Nios® II Flash Programmer GUI is a tool with many options. It is recommended saving your flash programmer settings in a Nios® II Flash Programmer Settings File (.flash-settings) for future use.

The .flash-settings file includes the settings described in the following sections, such as the script and flash files directory paths, whether to perform system ID and system timestamp checking, and whether to generate flash files or program flash memory.

To save your current flash programmer settings, on the File menu, click Save or SaveAs to update or create a .flash-settings file. After you save the file, you can continue to edit it in the Nios® II Flash Programmer GUI.

To open a pre-existing flash programmer settings file, on the File menu, click Open, and navigate to the location of the existing .flash-settings file.