DisplayPort Intel® Arria 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683050
Date 11/12/2021

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Document Table of Contents

5. Revision History for DisplayPort Intel® Arria® 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

Document Version Intel® Quartus® Prime Version Intel® FPGA IP Version Changes
2021.11.12 21.3 19.4.0
  • Replaced AN556 to AN556: Using the DesignSecurity Features in Intel FPGAs in Protection of Encryption Key Embedded in FPGA Design.
  • Updated the subsection Store encrypted HDCP production keys in the external flash memory or EEPROM (Support HDCP Key Management = 1) to describe the new key encryption software utility (KEYENC).
  • Removed the following figures:
    • Data array of Facsimile Key R1 for RX Private Key
    • Data arrays of HDCP Production Keys (Placeholder)
    • Data array of HDCP Protection Key (Predefined key)
    • HDCP protection key initialized in hdcp2x_tx_kmem.mif
    • HDCP protection key initialized in hdcp1x_rx_kmem.mif
    • HDCP protection key initialized in hdcp1x_tx_kmem.mif
  • Moved subsection HDCP Key Mapping from DCP Key Files from Debug Guidelines to Store plain HDCP production keys in the FPGA (Support HDCP Key Management = 0).
2021.09.15 21.1 19.4.0 Removed referenes to ncsim
2021.05.11 21.1 19.4.0
  • Added SUPPORT HDCP KEY MANAGEMENT = 1 to the description for Figure : HDCP Over DisplayPort Design Example Block Diagram.
  • Added the steps in HDCP over DisplayPort design example in Design Walkthrough.
  • Added the step to turn on Support HDCP Key Management parameter in Generate the Design.
  • Added a new subsection Store encrypted HDCP production keys in the external flash memory or EEPROM (Support HDCP Key Management = 1).
  • Added a new chapter Protection of Encryption Key Embedded in FPGA Design.
  • Added a new chapter Debug Guidelines and subsection HDCP Status Signals, Modifying HDCP Software Parameter, and Frequently Asked Questions.
2020.09.28 20.3 19.4.0
  • Updated and renamed the Configuring Single or Dual Lanes section to Transceiver Lane Configurations.
  • Added pin assignments for Bitec FMC revision 10 in the Transceiver Lane Configurations section.
  • Updated the pin assignments for Bitec FMC revision 8 or earlier, and revision 11 with transceiver Avalon® memory-mapped interface group information in the Transceiver Lane Configurations section.
2020.04.13 20.1 19.3.0
  • Updated the Bitec DisplayPort card revision and the IP version in the local parameter in the RTL file at <project directory>/rtl/a10_dp_demo.v and the software config.h file in the Compiling and Testing the Design section.
  • Updated the description for the fmca_la_tx_n_12 signal and added a new signal, fmca_la_tx_p_14 for DisplayPort FMC daughter card pins in the Interface Signals and Parameters section for DisplayPort loopback design examples.
  • Replaced the description about the Parade Tech PS8460 Retimer signals with the FMC On-board Retimer Reconfiguration Interface signals in the Interface Signals and Parameters section for DisplayPort loopback design examples.
  • Added information about the HDCP design example in the HDCP Over DisplayPort Design Examples section. This information is removed from the DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP User Guide.
2019.07.30 19.2 19.1.0
  • Added information about the DisplayPort MST parallel loopback with and without a PCR module design examples in the DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Design Example Quick Start Guide section.
  • Updated the files and folders in the Directory Structure section.
  • Added support for the Bitec DisplayPort FMC daughter card revision 11 in the Hardware and Software Requirements section.
  • Added information about the DisplayPort MST parallel loopback with and without a PCR module design examples in the Generating the Design, DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Design Example Parameters, and DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Design Example Detailed Description sections.
  • Updated the Regenerating ELF File section to include information about WSL and provided a link to the Nios II Software Developer Handbook.
  • Updated the Compiling and Testing the Design section to include information about the Bitec DisplayPort FMC daughter card revision 11 and channel mapping.
  • Updated the Configuring Single or Dual Lanes section with information about the Bitec DisplayPort FMC daughter card revision 11.
2019.04.05 19.1 19.1
  • Renamed Intel FPGA DisplayPort to DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP .
  • Updated the Directory Structure section to add the Xcelium* Parallel simulator files.
  • Added instructions to run simulation using the Xcelium* Parallel simulator in the Simulation the Design section.
  • Edited the DisplayPort Design Example Supported EDA Simulators table in the Simulation Testbench section to include Xcelium* Parallel simulator and the supported platforms.
  • Removed the /altera_avalon_i2c file from the Directory Structure section. It is not added in the core folder.
  • Moved the .c and .h software files to a new folder in the Directory Structure section. These files are now in the dp_demo subfolder in version 19.1 of the DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP .
  • Updated the Bitec DisplayPort FMC daughter card local parameter in the Compiling and Testing the Design section.
  • Edited the note about CRC calculation in the Simulation Testbench section. To ensure CRC is calculated, you must enable the Support CTS test automation parameter.
  • Updated the frequency rate for HBR quad symbols per clock to 67.5 for the RX and TX Transceiver Clockout descriptions in the Clocking Scheme section.
  • Added the Intel® Arria® 10 DisplayPort SST Parallel Loopback with Adaptive Sync Support section to provide guidelines to add the Adaptive Sync feature,
  • Added the Configuring Single or Dual Lanes section to provide guidelines to make the correct pin assignments for single and dual lanes.
  • Added a link to AN 883: Intel Arria 10 DisplayPort TX-only Design in the Creating RX-only or TX-only Designs section. This application note provides information about how to create TX-only designs to transmit 4Kp60 video output generated by the Test Pattern Generator II Intel FPGA IP.
Date Version Changes
November 2017 2017.11.06
  • Renamed DisplayPort IP core to Intel FPGA DisplayPort IP as per Intel rebranding.
  • Changed the term Qsys to Platform Designer.
  • Renamed the design examples to DisplayPort SST Parallel Loopback With PCR and DisplayPort SST Parallel Loopback Without PCR.
  • Updated information that the Intel FPGA DisplayPort IP core now conforms to VESA DisplayPort Standard version 1.4.
  • Added data link rate support for HBR3 (8.10 Gbps). This rate is available only in quad symbols per clock for Intel® Arria® 10 devices in Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition.
  • Added new pins for DisplayPort FMC Daughter Card Pins on FMC Port A.
  • Added a link for workaround to avoid jitter of PLL cascading or non-dedicated clock paths for Intel® Arria® 10 PLL reference clock.
May 2017 2017.05.08
  • Rebranded as Intel.
  • Changed the part number.
  • Added files designated for Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition.
  • Added information for a new design example variant: Arria 10 DP SST Parallel Loopback Without PCR.
  • Added information about the new TX video image interface.
  • Edited the function description for USER_LED[5:1]. The actual lane count should be 4'b0010 = 2 lanes and 4'b0100 = 4 lanes.
  • Added information about DisplayPort transceiver reconfiguration flow.
  • Added guidelines to regenerate .elf file.
  • Added link to archived version of the Arria 10 DisplayPort IP Core Design Example User Guide.
October 2016 2016.10.31 Initial release.