DisplayPort Intel® Arria 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683050
Date 11/12/2021

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Document Table of Contents

1.1. Directory Structure

The directories contain the generated files for the DisplayPort design example.
Figure 2. Directory Structure for the Design Example
Table 1.  Other Generated Files in RTL Folder
Folders Files
clkrec /altera_pll_reconfig_core.v
  • /clkrec_pll135_a10.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /clkrec_pll135_a10.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
  • /clkrec_pll_a10.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /clkrec_pll1_a10.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
  • /clkrec_reset_a10.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /clkrec_reset_a10.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
<Platform Designer generated folder>
  • /dp_core.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /dp_core.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
  • /dp_rx.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /dp_rx.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
  • /dp_tx.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /dp_tx.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
<Platform Designer generated folder>
  • /gxb_rx.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /gxb_rx.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
  • /gxb_rx_reset.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /gxb_rx_reset.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
<Platform Designer generated folder>
  • /gxb_tx.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /gxb_tx.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
  • /gxb_tx_reset.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /gxb_tx_reset.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
  • /gxb_tx_fpll.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /gxb_tx_fpll.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
<Platform Designer generated folder>
Table 2.   Other Generated Files in Simulation Folder
Folders Files
aldec /aldec.do
cadence /cds.lib
<cds_libs folder>
  • /dp_core.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /dp_core.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
  • /dp_rx.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /dp_rx.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
  • /dp_tx.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /dp_tx.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
<Platform Designer generated folder>
mentor /mentor.do
  • /gxb_rx.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /gxb_rx.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
  • /gxb_rx_reset.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /gxb_rx_reset.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
<Platform Designer generated folder>
synopsys /vcs/filelist.f
testbench /a10_dp_harness.sv
  • /gxb_tx.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /gxb_tx.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
<Platform Designer generated folder>
  • /gxb_tx_fpll.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /gxb_tx_fpll.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
  • /gxb_tx_reset.qsys ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition)
  • /gxb_tx_reset.ip ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
xcelium /cds.lib
<cds_libs folder>