Arria V Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683011
Date 12/02/2024
Document Table of Contents Running HPS Post-Fit Simulation

To run HPS post‑fit simulation after successful Platform Designer (Standard) generation, perform the following steps:

  1. Add the generated synthesis file set to your Quartus® Prime project by performing the following steps:
    1. In the Quartus Prime software, click Settings in the Assignments menu.
    2. In the Settings <your system name> dialog box, on the Files tab, browse to <your project directory>/<your system name> /synthesis/ and select <your system name> .qip.
    3. Click Open. The Select File dialog box closes.
    4. Click OK. The Settings dialog box closes.
  2. Optionally instantiate your HPS system as the top-level entity in your Quartus® Prime project.
  3. Compile the design by clicking Start Compilation in the Processing menu.
  4. Change the EDA Netlist Writer settings, if necessary, by performing the following steps:
    1. Click Settings in the Assignment menu.
    2. On the Simulation tab, under the EDA Tool Settings tab, you can specify the following EDA Netlist Writer settings:
      • Tool name—The name of the simulation tool
      • Format for output netlist
      • Output directory
    3. Click OK.
  5. To create the post-fitter simulation model with Quartus Prime EDA Netlist Writer, perform the following steps:
    1. Click Start in the Processing menu.
    2. Click Start EDA Netlist Writer.