Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-0F0A4895-3EB4-49AD-B3B0-69824F51FA63
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-0F0A4895-3EB4-49AD-B3B0-69824F51FA63
Computes the generalized SVD of two upper triangular or trapezoidal matrices.
call stgsja(jobu, jobv, jobq, m, p, n, k, l, a, lda, b, ldb, tola, tolb, alpha, beta, u, ldu, v, ldv, q, ldq, work, ncycle, info)
call dtgsja(jobu, jobv, jobq, m, p, n, k, l, a, lda, b, ldb, tola, tolb, alpha, beta, u, ldu, v, ldv, q, ldq, work, ncycle, info)
call ctgsja(jobu, jobv, jobq, m, p, n, k, l, a, lda, b, ldb, tola, tolb, alpha, beta, u, ldu, v, ldv, q, ldq, work, ncycle, info)
call ztgsja(jobu, jobv, jobq, m, p, n, k, l, a, lda, b, ldb, tola, tolb, alpha, beta, u, ldu, v, ldv, q, ldq, work, ncycle, info)
call tgsja(a, b, tola, tolb, k, l [,u] [,v] [,q] [,jobu] [,jobv] [,jobq] [,alpha] [,beta] [,ncycle] [,info])
-, lapack.f90
The routine computes the generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD) of two real/complex upper triangular (or trapezoidal) matrices A and B. On entry, it is assumed that matrices A and B have the following forms, which may be obtained by the preprocessing subroutine ggsvp from a general m-by-n matrix A and p-by-n matrix B:

where the k-by-k matrix A12 and l-by-l matrix B13 are nonsingular upper triangular; A23 is l-by-l upper triangular if m-k-l≥0, otherwise A23 is (m-k)-by-l upper trapezoidal.
On exit,
UH*A*Q = D1*(0 R), VH*B*Q = D2*(0 R),
where U, V and Q are orthogonal/unitary matrices, R is a nonsingular upper triangular matrix, and D1 and D2 are "diagonal" matrices, which are of the following structures:
If m-k-l≥0,

C = diag(alpha(k+1),...,alpha(k+l))
S = diag(beta(k+1),...,beta(k+l))
C2 + S2 = I
R is stored in a(1:k+l, n-k-l+1:n ) on exit.
If m-k-l < 0,

C = diag(alpha(k+1),...,alpha(m)),
S = diag(beta(k+1),...,beta(m)),
C2 + S2 = I
On exit, is stored in a(1:m, n-k-l+1:n ) and R33 is stored
in b(m-k+1:l, n+m-k-l+1:n ).
The computation of the orthogonal/unitary transformation matrices U, V or Q is optional. These matrices may either be formed explicitly, or they may be postmultiplied into input matrices U1, V1, or Q1.
- jobu
CHARACTER*1. Must be 'U', 'I', or 'N'.
If jobu = 'U', u must contain an orthogonal/unitary matrix U1 on entry.
If jobu = 'I', u is initialized to the unit matrix.
If jobu = 'N', u is not computed.
- jobv
CHARACTER*1. Must be 'V', 'I', or 'N'.
If jobv = 'V', v must contain an orthogonal/unitary matrix V1 on entry.
If jobv = 'I', v is initialized to the unit matrix.
If jobv = 'N', v is not computed.
- jobq
CHARACTER*1. Must be 'Q', 'I', or 'N'.
If jobq = 'Q', q must contain an orthogonal/unitary matrix Q1 on entry.
If jobq = 'I', q is initialized to the unit matrix.
If jobq = 'N', q is not computed.
- m
INTEGER. The number of rows of the matrix A (m≥ 0).
- p
INTEGER. The number of rows of the matrix B (p≥ 0).
- n
INTEGER. The number of columns of the matrices A and B (n≥ 0).
- k, l
INTEGER. Specify the subblocks in the input matrices A and B, whose GSVD is computed.
- a, b, u, v, q, work
REAL for stgsja
COMPLEX for ctgsja
DOUBLE COMPLEX for ztgsja.
a(lda,*) contains the m-by-n matrix A.
The second dimension of a must be at least max(1, n).
b(ldb,*) contains the p-by-n matrix B.
The second dimension of b must be at least max(1, n).
If jobu = 'U', u(ldu,*) must contain a matrix U1 (usually the orthogonal/unitary matrix returned by ?ggsvp).
The second dimension of u must be at least max(1, m).
If jobv = 'V', v(ldv,*) must contain a matrix V1 (usually the orthogonal/unitary matrix returned by ?ggsvp).
The second dimension of v must be at least max(1, p).
If jobq = 'Q', q(ldq,*) must contain a matrix Q1 (usually the orthogonal/unitary matrix returned by ?ggsvp).
The second dimension of q must be at least max(1, n).
work(*) is a workspace array.
The dimension of work must be at least max(1, 2n).
- lda
INTEGER. The leading dimension of a; at least max(1, m).
- ldb
INTEGER. The leading dimension of b; at least max(1, p).
- ldu
INTEGER. The leading dimension of the array u .
ldu≥ max(1, m) if jobu = 'U'; ldu≥ 1 otherwise.
- ldv
INTEGER. The leading dimension of the array v .
ldv≥ max(1, p) if jobv = 'V'; ldv≥ 1 otherwise.
- ldq
INTEGER. The leading dimension of the array q .
ldq≥ max(1, n) if jobq = 'Q'; ldq≥ 1 otherwise.
- tola, tolb
REAL for single-precision flavors
DOUBLE PRECISION for double-precision flavors.
tola and tolb are the convergence criteria for the Jacobi-Kogbetliantz iteration procedure. Generally, they are the same as used in ?ggsvp:
tola = max(m, n)*|A|*MACHEPS,
tolb = max(p, n)*|B|*MACHEPS.
- a
On exit, a(n-k+1:n, 1:min(k+l, m)) contains the triangular matrix R or part of R.
- b
On exit, if necessary, b(m-k+1: l, n+m-k-l+1: n)) contains a part of R.
- alpha, beta
REAL for single-precision flavors
DOUBLE PRECISION for double-precision flavors.
Arrays, size at least max(1, n). Contain the generalized singular value pairs of A and B:
alpha(1:k) = 1,
beta(1:k) = 0,
and if m-k-l≥ 0,
alpha(k+1:k+l) = diag(C),
beta(k+1:k+l) = diag(S),
or if m-k-l < 0,
alpha(k+1:m)= diag(C), alpha(m+1:k+l)=0
beta(k+1:m) = diag(S),
beta(m+1:k+l) = 1.
Furthermore, if k+l < n,
alpha(k+l+1:n)= 0 and
beta(k+l+1:n) = 0.
- u
If jobu = 'I', u contains the orthogonal/unitary matrix U.
If jobu = 'U', u contains the product U1*U.
If jobu = 'N', u is not referenced.
- v
If jobv = 'I', v contains the orthogonal/unitary matrix U.
If jobv = 'V', v contains the product V1*V.
If jobv = 'N', v is not referenced.
- q
If jobq = 'I', q contains the orthogonal/unitary matrix U.
If jobq = 'Q', q contains the product Q1*Q.
If jobq = 'N', q is not referenced.
- ncycle
INTEGER. The number of cycles required for convergence.
- info
If info = 0, the execution is successful.
If info = -i, the i-th parameter had an illegal value.
If info = 1, the procedure does not converge after MAXIT cycles.
Routines in Fortran 95 interface have fewer arguments in the calling sequence than their FORTRAN 77 counterparts. For general conventions applied to skip redundant or restorable arguments, see LAPACK 95 Interface Conventions.
Specific details for the routine tgsja interface are the following:
- a
Holds the matrix A of size (m,n).
- b
Holds the matrix B of size (p,n).
- u
Holds the matrix U of size (m,m).
- v
Holds the matrix V of size (p,p).
- q
Holds the matrix Q of size (n,n).
- alpha
Holds the vector of length n.
- beta
Holds the vector of length n.
- jobu
If omitted, this argument is restored based on the presence of argument u as follows:
jobu = 'U', if u is present,
jobu = 'N', if u is omitted.
If present, jobu must be equal to 'I' or 'U' and the argument u must also be present.
Note that there will be an error condition if jobu is present and u omitted.
- jobv
If omitted, this argument is restored based on the presence of argument v as follows:
jobv = 'V', if v is present,
jobv = 'N', if v is omitted.
If present, jobv must be equal to 'I' or 'V' and the argument v must also be present.
Note that there will be an error condition if jobv is present and v omitted.
- jobq
If omitted, this argument is restored based on the presence of argument q as follows:
jobq = 'Q', if q is present,
jobq = 'N', if q is omitted.
If present, jobq must be equal to 'I' or 'Q' and the argument q must also be present.
Note that there will be an error condition if jobq is present and q omitted.