Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) Developer Guide and Reference

ID 790148
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents


Sums pixel values in a rectangular area applied to an image.


IppStatus ippiSumWindow_8u32s_C1R(const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32s* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp8u* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_8u32s_C3R(const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32s* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp8u* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_8u32s_C4R(const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32s* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp8u* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_8u32s_AC4R(const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32s* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp8u* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_16s32f_C1R(const Ipp16s* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp16s* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_16s32f_C3R(const Ipp16s* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp16s* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_16s32f_C4R(const Ipp16s* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp16s* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_16s32f_AC4R(const Ipp16s* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp16s* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_16u32f_C1R(const Ipp16u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp16u* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_16u32f_C3R(const Ipp16u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp16u* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_16u32f_C4R(const Ipp16u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp16u* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_16u32f_AC4R(const Ipp16u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp16u* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_32f_C1R(const Ipp32f* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp32f* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_32f_C3R(const Ipp32f* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp32f* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_32f_C4R(const Ipp32f* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp32f* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiSumWindow_32f_AC4R(const Ipp32f* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize, IppiBorderType BorderType, const Ipp32f* borderValue, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

Include Files


Domain Dependencies

Headers: ippcore.h, ippvm.h, ipps.h

Libraries: ippcore.lib, ippvm.lib, ipps.lib



Pointer to the source image ROI.


Distance in bytes between the starting points of consecutive lines in the source image.


Pointer to the destination image ROI.


Distance in bytes between the starting points of consecutive lines in the destination image.


Size of the destination ROI in pixels.


Size of the mask in pixels.


Type of border. Possible values are:


Values of all border pixels are set to constant.


Border is replicated from the edge pixels.


Border is obtained from the source image pixels in memory.


Border pixels are mirrored from the source image boundary pixels.

Mixed borders are also supported. They can be obtained by the bitwise operation OR between any of the ippBorderRepl, ippBorderConst, ippBorderMirror, and the ippBorderInMemTop, ippBorderInMemBottom, ippBorderInMemLeft, ippBorderInMemRight values.


Constant value to assign to border pixels. This parameter is applicable only to the ippBorderConst border type.


Pointer to the work buffer.


Before using this function, you need to compute the size of the work buffer pBuffer using the SumWindowGetBufferSize function.

This function operates with ROI (see Regions of Interest in Intel IPP).

This function sets each pixel in the destination image ROI pDst to the sum of all the source image pixels in the rectangular neighborhood of size maskSize with the anchor cell at the corresponding pixel in the source image ROI pSrc. To ensure valid operation while processing the image boundary pixels, the application must correctly define additional border pixels (see Borders in Neighborhood Operations).

Return Values


Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or a warning.


Indicates an error if pSrc or pDst is NULL.


Indicates an error if roiSize has a field with a zero or negative value.


Indicates an error if maskSize has a field with a zero or negative value.


Indicates an error if BorderType has an illegal value.