Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) Developer Guide and Reference

ID 790148
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

Building Intel® IPP TL Libraries from Source Code

You can find the TL libraries source code and the tl_resize example in the /components/interfaces/tl directory inside the components_and_examples_<os> archive available in <ipp directory>/components/. Before building an application that uses TL, make sure that the IPPROOT environment variable is set correctly and points to the Intel IPP library location, for more information see Setting Environment Variables.

To build Intel IPP TL libraries and the tl_resize example, do the following:

Windows* OS

Prerequisites: The tl_resize example uses OpenGL rendering to display results. This requires Windows* SDK to be installed on your system. Usually Windows* SDK is provided with the Microsoft* Visual Studio* distribution. Alternatively, you can download Windows* SDK for your version of Windows* OS from To disable the rendering part of tl_resize, remove the ENABLE_RENDERING macro from the preprocessors definitions.

  1. Open the tl.sln file in Microsoft* Visual Studio*.
  2. Choose the required configuration in the solution and build the solution using the Build command. The example will be linked with the newly built TL libraries from the same solution.

To build TL libraries on the Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) library, you need to install the Intel TBB library (for the Intel IPP standalone package).

Linux* OS

Prerequisites: The tl_resize example uses OpenGL rendering to display results. This requires the following packages to be installed:

  • libx11-dev
  • libgl1-mesa-dev

Execute the following commands using gcc4 or higher:

  • To build TL libraries:
    make libs [ARCH=ia32|intel64] [CONF=release|debug] [TBBROOT=]
  • To build the tl_resize example and TL libraries:
    make all [ARCH=ia32|intel64] [CONF=release|debug] [RENDERER=0|1] [TBBROOT=]

If TBBROOT is set to the Intel® TBB installation root, TL libraries will be built with the TBB support. In this case, you need to install Intel TBB library (for the Intel IPP standalone package).

If TBBROOT is set to nothing, the OpenMP* support will be used.