Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) Developer Guide and Reference

ID 790148
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

IIRIIR Filter Functions

The functions described in this section initialize an infinite impulse response (IIR) filter and perform a zero-phase digital filtering of input data in both forward and backward directions. The formulas below explain why the filtered signal has zero-phase distortion. Consider the following case in the frequency domain: if x(n) is the input sequence and h(n) is the IIR filter's impulse response, then the result of the forward filter pass is:


  • X(e) is the Fourier transform of x(n)
  • H(e) is the Fourier transform of h(n)
  • Y1(e) is the Fourier transform of the forward filter pass

Backward filtering corresponds to filtering of time-reversed signal. Time reversal corresponds to replacing φ with -φ in the frequency domain, so the result of time reversal is:

When the filter is applied for the second time, the above formula is multiplied by the Fourier transform of the filter's impulse response function H(e):

The final time reversal in the frequency domain results in:

You can see from the resulting equation that:

  • The filtered signal has zero-phase distortion (as the filtering was done with |H(e)|2, which is purely real-valued)
  • The filter transfer function has the squared magnitude of the original filter transfer function
  • The filter order is double the order of the initialized IIR filter

To initialize and use an IIRIIR filter, follow this general scheme:

  1. Call ippsIIRIIRInit to initialize the IIRIIR filter in the external buffer. To compute the size of the buffer, use the ippsIIRIIRGetStateSize function.
  2. Call ippsIIRIIR to filter a vector.
  3. Call ippsIIRIIRGetDlyLine and ippsIIRIIRSetDlyLine to get and set the delay line values in the IIRIIR state structure.