Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) Developer Guide and Reference

ID 790148
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents


The descriptors element further describes the operation. Descriptors are individual characters that indicate additional details of the operation.

The following descriptors are used in signal processing functions:

Descriptor Description Example


Operation is in-place (default is not-in-place).

An in-place operation is guaranteed to be correct if and only if the Intel IPP function performing the operation has the descriptor I in its name. In addition to the descriptor I, all function declarations for in-place Intel IPP functions contain a pointer to an in-place buffer (for example, pSrcDst) in the parameter list. Before the function call, the in-place buffer contains the source data. After the function call, the in-place buffer contains the result of the operation.



Saturation and fixed scaling mode (default is saturation and no scaling).



Operation is performed for the specified number of vectors.

ippsIIR_32f _P

If the function has more than one descriptor, they are presented in the function name in alphabetical order.

Many functions have no descriptors listed above. Such functions operate with the default behavior.