Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 11/07/2023

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Document Table of Contents

Options: Compilers dialog box

To access the Compilers page:

  1. Open Tools > Options.

  2. In the left pane, select Intel Compilers and Libraries > IFORT Intel Fortran Classic > Compilers for ifort or Intel Compilers and Libraries > IFX Intel Fortran > Compilers for ifx.

Compiler Selection for IFORT Intel Fortran Classic

Tabs Win32 and x64: Select Win32 or x64 target platforms.

Selected compiler: Selects the compiler version. The default value is <Latest>.

The compiler details are shown in the two boxes directly below.

Executables: Specifies the directory location for executable files. You may specify this setting for each selected compiler.

Includes: Specifies the directory location for included files. You may specify this setting for each selected compiler.

Libraries: Specifies the directory location for libraries. You may specify this setting for each selected compiler.

Default options: Sets the default options for a selected compiler You may specify this setting for each selected compiler.

Reset...: Resets the settings for the compiler.

Compiler Selection for IFX Intel Fortran

Selected compiler: Selects the compiler version. The default value is <Latest>.

The compiler details are shown in the two boxes directly below.

Executables: Specifies the directory location for executable files. You may specify this setting for each selected compiler.

Includes: Specifies the directory location for included files. You may specify this setting for each selected compiler.

Libraries: Specifies the directory location for libraries. You may specify this setting for each selected compiler.

Default options: Sets the default options for a selected compiler You may specify this setting for each selected compiler.

Reset...: Resets the settings for the compiler.