Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 11/07/2023

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Default Exception Handling

The Intel® Visual Fortran runtime system provides minimal default support for exception handling, console event handling, and application termination rundown.

The default exception handling support provided depends on the type of application (project type) being developed:

  • A default exception handler is included with Fortran Console, Fortran QuickWin, and Fortran Standard Graphics applications.

  • No default exception handler is included with Fortran Windows or Fortran DLL applications or with C Console applications that contain Fortran procedures.

When you use the default exception handler, all events are enabled. You cannot connect or disconnect individual events from the default Fortran exception handler. However, you can disable the Fortran exception handler, and enable your own. To disable the exception handler, set the FOR_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS environment variable to TRUE.

Most exceptions captured by the Intel® Visual Fortran default handler are dealt with as severe errors. When an exception occurs, the Fortran runtime system will display an error message and traceback output as described in Understanding Runtime Errors. A runtime error with a severe error (as described in Runtime Message Display and Format) causes the Intel® Visual Fortran runtime system to terminate the application. Most I/O programming errors are also severe and will terminate an application.

I/O programming errors are not exceptions and cannot be caught by an exception handler. An unhandled I/O programming error is reported through a different mechanism in the Intel® Visual Fortran runtime system. Regardless of the application (project) type, unhandled I/O programming error will generate an error message and traceback output.