GTS Interlaken Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 819200
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.5. GTS Interlaken IP Round-Trip Latency

The table includes the round-trip latency numbers for specific variants. Altera measures the latency numbers for the longest logical datapath for two highest lane rate and number of lanes variants, with FIFO level at 50 for the first packet.
Table 6.  Round-Trip Latency NumbersAltera uses the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 24.2 for the numbers in this table
Note: Latency is calculated based on recommended user clock frequency in design example
Protocol Transceiver Mode PMA Type Data Rate (Gbps) Number of Lanes Latency (ns)
Interlaken NRZ FGT 12.5 8 1405