External Memory Interfaces Agilex™ 7 M-Series FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 772632
Date 7/08/2024

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2.3.4. Example: Swizzling for a x32 + ECC interface

Example: Swizzling for a x32 + ECC interface

Table 10.  
Scheme BL0 BL1 BL2 BL3 BL4 BL5 BL6 BL7
DDR4_AC_TOP DQ[4] DQ[3] DQ[2] DQ[1] AC1 AC2 AC0 sDQ[0]
DQS group number in byte swizzling notation 3 2 1 0 AC1 AC2 AC0 ECC
After Byte Swizzling 3 2 0 1 X X X ECC

In this example, BL7 cannot be swapped with other used DQS group. It is used as follows:

  • RUSER/WUSER Lane in x40 configuration
  • ECC Lane in x32 + ECC configuration

This example illustrates swizzling DQS group 1 (BL3) with DQS group 0 (BL2). To achieve this swizzling, enter the following BYTE_SWIZZLE_CH0 specification in the USER Extra Parameters:


In DDR4 x32 + ECC configuration, the highest index DQS group is used as ECC lane. We use PIN_SWIZZLE_CH0_ECC for swizzle the DQ pins within the ECC lane in this case. Note that the valid value for pin swizzling specification in the ECC lane is always 0-7 only.

Table 11.  Example of DQ pin swizzling in ECC lane for a DDR4 x32 + ECC interface
Lane Pin Index Default Placement After Swizzling
BL7 95 MEM_DQ[39] MEM_DQ[36]
94 MEM_DQ[38] MEM_DQ[37]
93 MEM_DQ[37] MEM_DQ[38]
92 MEM_DQ[36] MEM_DQ[39]
90 MEM_DM_N[4] MEM_DM_N[4]
89 MEM_DM_C[4] MEM_DM_C[4]
88 MEM_DM_T[4] MEM_DM_T[4]
87 MEM_DQ[35] MEM_DQ[34]
86 MEM_DQ[34] MEM_DQ[35]
85 MEM_DQ[33] MEM_DQ[32]
84 MEM_DQ[32] MEM_DQ[33]

To achieve the pin swizzling shown in the above table, enter the following BYTE_SWIZZLE_CH0 specification in User Extra Parameters:
