Nios® V Embedded Processor Design Handbook

ID 726952
Date 7/08/2024

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5.4.2. Overview

Note: For Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software, refer to AN 980: Nios® V Processor Quartus® Prime Software Support for the steps to generate the example design.

You can download the µC/TCP-IP Example Designs from the Intel® FPGA Store. The example designs are based on the Arria® 10 10 SoC development kit. Using the scripts, the hardware and software design are generated, and programmed as SRAM Object Files (.sof) into the device. Using the memory-initialized .sof file, the Nios® V processor boots the µC/TCP-IP application from the On-Chip Memory after resetting the processor during User Mode.

The featured µC/TCP-IP Example Designs are :

  • µC/TCP-IP IPerf Example Design
    • This example design incorporated the µC/IPerf, an iPerf 2 server or client developed for the µC/TCP-IP Stack and the µC/OS-II RTOS. iPerf 2 is a benchmarking tool for measuring performance between two systems, and it can be used as a server or a client.
    • An iPerf server receives iPerf request sent over a TCP/IP connection from any iPerf clients, and runs the iPerf test according to the provided arguments. Each test reports the bandwidth, loss and other parameters.
      Figure 90. µC/TCP-IP IPerf Data Flow Diagram
  • µC/TCP-IP Simple Socket Server Example Design
    • This example design demonstrates communication with a telnet client on a development host PC. The telnet client offers a convenient way of issuing commands over a TCP/IP socket to the Ethernet-connected µC/TCP-IP running on the development board with a simple TCP/IP socket server example.
    • The socket server example receives commands sent over a TCP/IP connection and turns LEDs on and off according to the commands. The example consists of a socket server task that listens for commands on a TCP/IP port and dispatches those commands to a set of LED management tasks.
      Figure 91. µC/TCP-IP Simple Socket Server Data Flow Diagram
      Note: The Nios V target system does not implement a full telnet server.