Visible to Intel only — GUID: ejd1634215358964
About the IO Module Design Example for Intel® MAX® 10 Devices for OPC UA
Getting Started with the IO Module Design Example for OPC UA
Functional Description
Known Issues with the IO Module Design Example
Document Revision History for AN 961: IO Module Design Example for Intel® MAX® 10 Devices for OPC UA
Hardware and Software Requirements for the IO Module Design Example for OPC UA
Downloading the IO Module Design Example for OPC UA
Installing FreeRTOS and LwIP Templates on Nios Eclipse IDE
Generating an open62541 OPC UA Amalgamation (optional)
Preparing the IO Module Project for Build
Adding IO Module Software
Running the IO Module Design Example
Achieving Timing Closure on a Design Example
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ejd1634215358964
Running the IO Module Design Example
- Connect an Ethernet cable to the Intel MAX 10 port A (bottom port) to the same router the windows PC is connected to, and a USB cable between the Intel MAX 10 device and the PC.
- Program the Intel MAX 10 with ".sof" hardware output file generated during compilation:
- Open the Intel Quartus Programmer.
- Select USB blaster.
- Select Auto Detect and mark 10M50.
- Select Change File and navigate to the .sof within /output_files/ in your Quartus project directory.
- Turn on Program and Configure.
- Click Start to configure the FPGA on the development board using the .sof. The programmer shows Successful in the top-right corner.
- Run the FreeRTOS project in Nios II Eclipse:
- Right-click the project.
- Click Run as > Nios II Hardware > ..
Figure 13. Running a project in EclipseFigure 14. Nios II Eclipse terminal expected printout
- Open UAExpert on the Windows PC:
- Add server.
- Set custom discovery: opc.tcp://<device IP>.
Figure 15. Adding the IO module in UA Expert.
- Connect to the server and add nodes from the left pane (drag and drop).
Figure 16. UAExpert client with example data
- In the Value column try to modify values for the LEDs and press the push buttons, move the potentiometer, and observe the changes in the board and in the UAExpert GUI.
- Turn off the design:
- Close UAexpert connection.
- Stop the program in Nios II Eclipse.
- Turn off and disconnect the Intel MAX 10 Development Board.