F-tile Architecture and PMA and FEC Direct PHY IP User Guide

ID 683872
Date 1/25/2023

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Document Table of Contents FGT Transmitter Buffer and Phase Generator

A simplified FGT transmitter buffer termination scheme is shown in the following figure.
Figure 44. Simplified TX Buffer Termination
  1. ZTX-DIFF-DC transmitter buffer output differential DC impedance is 90 Ω; 45 Ω single ended.

The transmitter buffer can be programmed to support the taps listed in the following table.

Table 17.  FGT Transmitter PMA Equalizer Parameters for NRZ and PAM4 Modes
Parameter Rule

Increment and

Decrement Size

Minimum Default Maximum
pre_tap_2 0   +7 1.0
pre_tap_1 0   +15 1.0
main_tap 0   +47 9

+55 10

post_tap_1 0   +19 1.0
The transmitter buffer equalizer parameter combinations follow the rules shown below.
  • For Intel® Agilex™ F-tile devices, excluding OPNs AGIx040R39AxxxR0, AGIx022R31BxxxAA, AGIx027R31BxxxAA, AGIx027R29AxxxR3, AGIx023R18AxxxR0, AGFx022R31CxxxAA, AGFx027R31CxxxAA, AGFx027R24CxxxR2, AGFx012R24CxxxAA, and AGFx014R24CxxxAA:
    1. main_tap - 2×pre_tap_1 - 2×post_tap_1 ≥ 5
    2. (main_tap + 9 - 2×pre_tap_1 - pre_tap_2 - 2×post_tap_1) ÷ (main_tap + 9 -pre_tap_2 - 2×post_tap_1) > 0
    3. (main_tap + 9 - 2×pre_tap_1 - pre_tap_2 - 2×post_tap_1) ÷ (main_tap + 9 - 2×pre_tap_1 - pre_tap_2) > 0
    4. QSF: (txeq_main_tap + txeq_pre_tap_1 + txeq_pre_tap_2 + txeq_post_tap_1) ≤ 47
  • For Intel® Agilex™ F-tile devices with OPNs AGIx040R39AxxxR0, AGIx022R31BxxxAA, AGIx027R31BxxxAA, AGIx027R29AxxxR3, AGIx023R18AxxxR0, AGFx022R31CxxxAA, AGFx027R31CxxxAA, AGFx027R24CxxxR2, AGFx012R24CxxxAA, and AGFx014R24CxxxAA:
    1. main_tap - 2×pre_tap_1 - 2×post_tap_2 ≥ 13
    2. (main_tap + 1 - 2×pre_tap_1 - pre_tap_2 - 2×post_tap_1) ÷ (main_tap + 1 - pre_tap_2 - 2×post_tap_1) > 0
    3. (main_tap + 1 - 2×pre_tap_1 - pre_tap_2 - 2×post_tap_1) ÷ (main_tap + 1 - 2×pre_tap_1 - pre_tap_2) > 0
    4. QSF: (txeq_main_tap + txeq_pre_tap_1 + txeq_pre_tap_2 + txeq_post_tap_1) ≤ 55

QSF: txeq_main_tap = main_tap(0x47830[15:10]) + 9 - pre_tap_1 - pre_tap_2 - post_tap_1 for Intel® Agilex™ F-tile devices, excluding OPNs AGIx040R39AxxxR0, AGIx022R31BxxxAA, AGIx027R31BxxxAA, AGIx027R29AxxxR3, AGIx023R18AxxxR0, AGFx022R31CxxxAA, AGFx027R31CxxxAA, AGFx027R24CxxxR2, AGFx012R24CxxxAA, and AGFx014R24CxxxAA.

10 QSF: txeq_main_tap = main_tap(0x47830[15:10]) + 1 - pre_tap_1 -pre_tap_2 - post_tap_1 for Intel® Agilex™ F-tile devices with OPNs AGIx040R39AxxxR0, AGIx022R31BxxxAA, AGIx027R31BxxxAA, AGIx027R29AxxxR3, AGIx023R18AxxxR0, AGFx022R31CxxxAA, AGFx027R31CxxxAA, AGFx027R24CxxxR2, AGFx012R24CxxxAA, and AGFx014R24CxxxAA.