AN 866: Mitigating and Debugging Single Event Upsets in Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition

ID 683869
Date 9/28/2021
Document Table of Contents

2.3.4. Command-Line Interface

You can run the Fault Injection Debugger at the command line with the quartus_fid executable, which is useful if you want to perform fault injection from a script.

Table 3.  Command line Arguments for Fault Injection

Short Argument

Long Argument


c cable

Specify programming hardware or cable. (Required)

i index

Specify the active device to inject fault. (Required)

n number

Specify the number of errors to inject. The default value is 1. (Optional)

t time

Interval time between injections. (Optional)

Note: Use quartus_fid --help to view all available options.

The following code provides examples using the Fault Injection Debugger command-line interface.

# Find out which USB cables are available for this instance
# The result shows that one cable is available, named "USB-Blaster"
$ quartus_fid --list
   . . .
    Info: Command: quartus_fid --list
    1) USB-Blaster on sj-sng-z4 [USB-0]
               Quartus® Prime 64-Bit Fault Injection Debugger was successful.
     0 errors, 0 warning
# Find which devices are available on USB-Blaster cable
# The result shows two devices: a 
               Stratix® V A7, and a MAX V CPLD.
$ quartus_fid --cable USB-Blaster -a
    Info: Command: quartus_fid --cable=USB-Blaster -a
    Info (208809): Using programming cable "USB-Blaster on sj-sng-z4 [USB-0]"
    1) USB-Blaster on sj-sng-z4 [USB-0]
      029030DD   5SGXEA7H(1|2|3)/5SGXEA7K1/..
      020A40DD   5M2210Z/EPM2210
               Quartus® Prime 64-Bit Fault Injection Debugger was successful.
    0 errors, 0 warnings

# Program the 
               Stratix® V device
# The --index option specifies operations performed on a connected device.
#   "=svgx.sof" associates a .sof file with the device
#   "#p" means program the device
$ quartus_fid --cable USB-Blaster --index "@1=svgx.sof#p"     
 . . . 
    Info (209016): Configuring device index 1
    Info (209017): Device 1 contains JTAG ID code 0x029030DD
    Info (209007): Configuration succeeded -- 1 device(s) configured
    Info (209011): Successfully performed operation(s)
    Info (208551): Program signature into device 1.
               Quartus® Prime 64-Bit Fault Injection Debugger was successful. 
    0 errors, 0 warnings

# Inject a fault into the device.
# The #i operator indicates to inject faults
# -n 3 indicates to inject 3 faults
$ quartus_fid --cable USB-Blaster --index "@1=svgx.sof#i" -n 3
    Info: Command: quartus_fid --cable=USB-Blaster --index=@1=svgx.sof#i -n 3
    Info (208809): Using programming cable "USB-Blaster on sj-sng-z4 [USB-0]"
    Info (208521): Injects 3 error(s) into device(s)
               Quartus® Prime 64-Bit Fault Injection Debugger was successful.
    0 errors, 0 warnings

# Interactive Mode.
# Using the #i operation with -n 0 puts the debugger into interactive mode.
# Note that 3 faults were injected in the previous session; 
# "E" reads the faults currently in the EMR Unloader IP core.
$ quartus_fid --cable USB-Blaster --index "@1=svgx.sof#i" -n 0
    Info: Command: quartus_fid --cable=USB-Blaster --index=@1=svgx.sof#i -n 0
    Info (208809): Using programming cable "USB-Blaster on sj-sng-z4 [USB-0]"
    Enter :
          'F' to inject fault
          'E' to read EMR
          'S' to scrub error(s)
          'Q' to quit
    Info (208540): Reading EMR array
    Info (208544): 3 frame error(s) detected in device 1.
        Info (208545):   Error #1 : Single error in frame 0x1028 at bit 0x21EA. 
        Info (10914):   Error #2 : Uncorrectable multi-bit error in frame 0x1116.
        Info (208545):   Error #3 : Single error in frame 0x1848 at bit 0x128C. 
    Enter :
          'F' to inject fault
          'E' to read EMR
          'S' to scrub error(s)
          'Q' to quit
               Quartus® Prime 64-Bit Fault Injection Debugger was successful.
        0 errors, 0 warnings
        Info: Peak virtual memory: 1522 megabytes
        Info: Processing ended: Mon Nov  3 18:50:00 2014
        Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:29
        Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:13