Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683834
Date 4/03/2023

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Document Table of Contents Simulation RBF Required Word Sequence

The simulation RBF requires the following sequence of words:

RBF Location RBF Instruction OpCode Description
1st Start of RBF 97566593 Identifier word indicates the start of the RBF.
2nd Expected length (N) of data in RBF 4422NNNN Specifies the length of dummy data NNNN.
3th PR region ID (R) to activate 5056RRRR

Specifies the PR region ID RRRR, which reflects in the sim_only_pr_id signal.

The PR region ID must be unique, design wide, across all PR partitions.

4th till 4th + NNNN Dummy data XXXXXXXX Streams NNNN number of dummy data into the simulation model. NNNN is specified in the 2nd location of the RBF.
4th + NNNN + 1 End of RBF 00001011 Identifier word that indicates the end of the RBF.
Note: The PR region ID word outputs on the sim_only_pr_id word, starting after the first data word. Using a different value for the header or data count results in PR simulation errors.