Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683834
Date 4/03/2023

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A. PR Region Controller CSR Bits for the m20k_ce_ctl Signal

The PR Region Controller CSR includes the following bits to control the m20k_ce_ctl signal.

Table 65.  PR Region Controller CSR Bits for the m20k_ce_ctl Signal
Bit Fields Access Default Value Description
31:4 Reserved N/A 0x0 Refer to Partial Reconfiguration Region Controller Intel® FPGA IP
3 m20k_ce_ctl_req R/W 0

Write 1 to drive CE signal.

Write 0 to stop driving CE signal.

2 unfreeze_req R/W 0 Refer to Partial Reconfiguration Region Controller Intel® FPGA IP
1 reset_req R/W 0 Refer to Partial Reconfiguration Region Controller Intel® FPGA IP
0 freeze_req R/W 0 Refer to Partial Reconfiguration Region Controller Intel® FPGA IP