HDMI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683798
Date 12/04/2023
Document Table of Contents

5.1.13. Reed-Solomon (RS) Forward Error Correction (FEC) Generation and Insertion

FEC protects the FRL stream by using the Reed-Solomon (RS) encoding with an RS (255,251) code over GF (256).

The IP demultiplexes the data on the link into four RS blocks to create the RS parity words. The parity data are interleaved onto the data lanes.

The primitive polynomial used to form the GF (256) field is:

p(x)= X8 + x4 + x3 + x2 + 1

The corresponding RS code generator polynomial used by the encoder is:

g(x) = x4 + 15x3 + 54x2 + 120x + 64