HDMI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683798
Date 3/07/2025
Document Table of Contents Push Buttons, DIP Switches and LED Functions

Use the push buttons, DIP switches, and LED functions on the board to control your demonstration.
Table 22.  Push Buttons, DIP Switches and LEDs Functions
Push Button/ DIP Switch/LED Pins Functions
av_sk/av_sk_hdmi2 sv_hdmi2
cpu_resetn D5 AM34 Press once to perform system reset.
user_pb[0] A14 A7 Press once to turn on and turn off HPD signal to the standard HDMI source.
user_pb[1] B15 B7 Press and hold to instruct the TX to send DVI encoded signal and release to send HDMI encoded signal.
user_pb[2] B14 C7 Press and hold to instruct the TX to stop sending InfoFrames and release to resume sending.
user_dipsw[0] D15 Unused Only used in av_sk design which demonstrates the VIP passthrough feature.
  • 0: VIP passthrough
  • 1: VIP bypass
user_led[0] F17 J11 RX HDMI PLL lock status.
  • 0: Unlocked
  • 1: Locked
user_led[1] G15 U10 RX transceiver ready status.
  • 0: Not ready
  • 1: Ready
user_led[2] G16 U9 RX HDMI core lock status
  • 0: At least 1 channel unlocked
  • 1: All 3 channels locked
user_led[3] G17 AU24 RX oversampling status.
  • 0: Non-oversampled (more than 611 Mbps for av_sk and sv_hdmi2, more than 1,000 Mbps for av_sk_hdmi2)
  • 1: Oversampled (less than 611 Mbps for av_sk and sv_hdmi2, less than 1,000 Mbps for av_sk_hdmi2)
user_led[4] D16 AF28 TX HDMI PLL lock status.
  • 0: Unlocked
  • 1: Locked
user_led[5] C13 AE29 TX transceiver ready status.
  • 0: Not ready
  • 1: Ready
user_led[6] C14 AR7
TX transceiver PLL lock status.
  • 0: Unlocked
  • 1: Locked
user_led[7] C16 AV10 TX oversampling status.
  • 0: Non-oversampled (more than 611 Mbps for av_sk and sv_hdmi2, more than 1,000 Mbps for av_sk_hdmi2)
  • 1: Oversampled (less than 611 Mbps for av_sk and sv_hdmi2, less than 1,000 Mbps for av_sk_hdmi2)