HDMI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683798
Date 3/07/2025
Document Table of Contents VIP Bypass and Audio, Auxiliary and InfoFrame Buffers

The video data output and synchronization signals from HDMI RX core is looped through a DCFIFO across RX and TX video clock domains. The General Control Packet (GCP), InfoFrames (AVI, VSI, and AI), auxiliary data and audio data are looped through DCFIFOs across RX and TX link speed clock domains.

The auxiliary data port of the HDMI TX core controls the auxiliary data that flow through DCFIFO through backpressure. The backpressure ensures there is no incomplete auxiliary packet on the auxiliary data port. This block also performs external filtering on the audio data and audio clock regeneration packet from the auxiliary data stream before sending to the HDMI TX core auxiliary data port.