HDMI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683798
Date 3/07/2025
Document Table of Contents

5.1.28. TX Avalon-ST Auxiliary Arbiter

Figure 32. TX Avalon-ST Auxiliary Arbiter

To allow the use of the external legacy auxiliary interface port at the same time as user defined packets, an additional arbiter is required.

The auxiliary arbiter allows multiple data packet sources to access the HDMI transmitter auxiliary packet interface port. Equal priority is given to each source, with each port selected on a round-robin basis.

Functionally, the arbiter samples the level of each aux*_in_valid input in turn on every clock cycle. aux*_in_valid high indicates the channel has a data packet available. The arbiter selects this input pass data through to the output until aux*_in_eop goes high, indicating the end of the packet. It then returns to sampling each channel.