HDMI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683798
Date 3/07/2025
Document Table of Contents VSI_PACKET_DATA1 (0x2D)

Refer to HDMI Specification 1.4b Section 8.2.3 HDMI Vendor Specific InfoFrame for the details of each field.

Table 181.  VSI_PACKET_DATA1 (0x2D)
Name Bit Access Description Reset
VSI packet byte 7 31:24 RO Vendor Specific InfoFrame packet byte 7. 0x0
VSI packet byte 6 23:16 RO Vendor Specific InfoFrame packet byte 6. 0x0
VSI packet byte 5 15:8 RO Vendor Specific InfoFrame packet byte 5. 0x0
VSI packet byte 4 7:0 RO Vendor Specific InfoFrame packet byte 4. 0x0