Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 4/03/2023

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2.5.2. Specifying the Target Board for a Platform Designer System

You can specify a target board when you setup any Intel® Quartus® Prime project. By default, Platform Designer automatically inherits the target board information from the currently open Intel® Quartus® Prime project.

Specifying the target board for the system, rather than just specifying a target FPGA device, helps to ensure the appropriate IP parameterization, pin assignments, and export of interfaces for the system.

Use any of these methods to specify a target board for the project:

  • New Project Wizard (File > New Project Wizard).
  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Home page, click Open Example Project icon.
  • Click File > Open Example Project.
  • Board tab of the Device dialog Box (Assignments > Device > Board).
Figure 7. Board Tab of Device Dialog Box