Intel® MAX® 10 Analog to Digital Converter User Guide

ID 683596
Date 5/04/2021

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2.1.2. Single or Dual ADC Devices

Intel® MAX® 10 devices are available with single or dual ADC blocks.

For devices with one ADC block, you can use up to 17 ADC channels:

  • These channels include one dedicated analog input and up to 16 dual function pins.
  • You can use the dual function pins as GPIO pins when you do not use the ADC.
Note: Intel® MAX® 10 devices in the E144 package have only 8 dual function ADC pins.

For devices with two ADC blocks, you can use up to 18 ADC channels:

  • For dual ADC devices, each ADC block can support one dedicated analog input pin and up to 8 dual function pins.
  • If you use both ADC blocks in dual ADC devices, you can use up to two dedicated analog input pins and 16 dual function pins.
  • For simultaneous measurement, you can use only dedicated analog input pins in both ADC blocks because the package routing of both dedicated analog pins are matched. For dual function pins, the routing latency between two ADC blocks may cause data mismatch in simultaneous measurement.
  • For simultaneous measurement, use the Modular Dual ADC Core IP core.

To choose the correct device, refer to the Intel® MAX® 10 device overview.