Intel® MAX® 10 Analog to Digital Converter User Guide

ID 683596
Date 5/04/2021

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Document Table of Contents

5.1. Modular ADC Core Parameters Settings

There are three groups of options: General, Channels, and Sequencer.
Table 16.   Modular ADC Core Parameters - General
Parameter Allowed Values Description
Core Variant
  • Standard sequencer with Avalon-MM sample storage
  • Standard sequencer with Avalon-MM sample storage and threshold violation detection
  • Standard sequencer with external sample storage
  • ADC control core only

Selects the core configuration for the Modular ADC Core IP core.

Debug Path
  • Disabled
  • Enabled

Enables the debug path.

Generate IP for which ADCs of this device?
  • 1st ADC
  • 2nd ADC

For devices that have two ADC blocks, specifies which ADC block you want to instantiate using the IP core.

ADC Sample Rate 25 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz, 200 kHz, 250 kHz, 500 kHz, and 1 MHz

Specifies the ADC sampling rate. The sampling rate you select affects which ADC input clock frequencies are available.

Refer to the related information for more details about the sampling rate and the required settling time.

ADC Input Clock 2 MHz, 10 MHz, 20 MHz, 40 MHz, and 80 MHz

Specifies the frequency of the PLL clock counter zero (c0) clock supply for the ADC core clock.

  • You must configure the c0 of the first ALTPLL IP core that you instantiate to output one of the frequencies in the allowed values list.
  • Connect the ALTPLL c0 output signal to the Modular ADC Core clk_in_pll_c0 input signal.

For valid ADC sampling rate and input clock frequencies combinations, refer to the related information.

Reference Voltage Source
  • External
  • Internal

Specifies the source of voltage reference for the ADC:

  • External—uses ADC_VREF pin as the voltage reference source.
  • Internal—uses the on-chip 2.5 V (3.0/3.3V on voltage-regulated devices) as the voltage reference source.
External Reference Voltage
  • Dual supply devices: up to 2.5 V
  • Single supply devices: up to 3.63 V

Specifies the voltage of ADC_VREF pin if you use it as reference voltage to the ADC.

Enable user created expected output file
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
Specifies the source of output data for ADC logic simulation:
  • Enabled—uses the stimulus input file you provide for each ADC channel, except the TSD channel, to simulate the output data.
  • Disabled—uses fixed expected output data for all ADC channels. This is the default setting.

For more information about user-specified ADC logic simulation output, refer to the related information.

Table 17.   Modular ADC Core Parameters - Channels This group of parameters is divided into several tabs—one for each channel, and one tab for the TSD.
Parameter Allowed Values Description

Use Channel 0 (Dedicated analog input pin - ANAIN)

(CH0 tab)

  • On
  • Off

Enables the dedicated analog input pin.

User created expected output file

Specifies user-created stimulus input file to simulate the output data for the channel.

This option is available for each enabled channel except the TSD if you select Enable user created expected output file.

Use Channel N

(Each channel in its own tab)

  • On
  • Off

Enables the dual-function analog input, where N is:

  • 1 to 16 channels for single ADC devices
  • 1 to 8 channels for dual ADC devices

Use on-chip TSD

(TSD tab)

  • On
  • Off

Specifies that the IP core reads the built-in temperature sensor in the ADC.

If you turn on this option, the ADC sampling rate is up to 50 kHz when it reads the temperature measurement. After it completes the temperature reading, the ADC sampling rate is up to 1 MHz.

Enable Maximum threshold for Channel N

(Each channel in its own tab)

  • On
  • Off

Enables the maximum threshold feature for the channel.

This option is available only if you select the Standard sequencer with Avalon-MM sample storage and threshold violation detection core variant.

Enable Maximum threshold for on-chip TSD

(TSD tab)

  • On
  • Off

Enables the maximum threshold feature for the TSD.

This option is available only if you select the Standard sequencer with Avalon-MM sample storage and threshold violation detection core variant.

Enter Maximum Threshold for Channel N

(Each channel in its own tab, including channel 0)

Depends on reference voltage

Specifies the maximum threshold value in Volts.

This setting is available only if you select the Standard sequencer with Avalon-MM sample storage and threshold violation detection core variant.

Enter Maximum Threshold for on-chip TSD

(TSD tab)

Specifies the maximum threshold value in Celsius.

This setting is available only if you select the Standard sequencer with Avalon-MM sample storage and threshold violation detection core variant.

Enable Minimum threshold for Channel N

(Each channel in its own tab, including channel 0)

  • On
  • Off

Enables the minimum threshold feature for the channel.

This option is available only if you select the Standard sequencer with Avalon-MM sample storage and threshold violation detection core variant.

Enable Minimum threshold for on-chip TSD

(TSD tab)

  • On
  • Off

Enables the minimum threshold feature for the TSD.

This option is available only if you select the Standard sequencer with Avalon-MM sample storage and threshold violation detection core variant.

Enter Minimum Threshold for Channel N

(Each channel in its own tab, including channel 0)

Depends on reference voltage

Specifies the minimum threshold value in Volts.

This setting is available only if you select the Standard sequencer with Avalon-MM sample storage and threshold violation detection core variant.

Enter Minimum Threshold for on-chip TSD

(TSD tab)

Specifies the minimum threshold value in Celsius.

This setting is available only if you select the Standard sequencer with Avalon-MM sample storage and threshold violation detection core variant.

Enable Prescaler for Channel N
  • On
  • Off

Enables the prescaler function, where N is:

  • Channels 8 and 16 (if available) for single ADC devices.
  • Channel 8 of ADC1 or ADC2 for dual ADC devices.
Table 18.   Modular ADC Core Parameters - Sequencer
Parameter Allowed Values Description
Number of slot used 1 to 64

Specifies the number of conversion sequence slots to use.

The Conversion Sequence Channels section displays the slots available according to the number of slots you select here.

Slot N Enabled channel number (CH N)

Specifies which enabled ADC channel to use for the slot in the sequence.

The selection option lists the ADC channels that you turned on in the Channels parameter group.