Intel® MAX® 10 Analog to Digital Converter User Guide

ID 683596
Date 5/04/2021

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Document Table of Contents Configuration 1: Standard Sequencer with Avalon-MM Sample Storage

In this configuration variant, you can use the standard sequencer micro core with internal on-chip RAM for storing ADC samples. This configuration is useful for basic system monitoring application.

In a system monitoring application, the ADC captures a block of samples data and stores them in the on-chip RAM. The host processor retrieves the data before triggering another block of ADC data sample request. The speed of the host processor in servicing the interrupt determines the interval between each block sample request.

Figure 9. Standard Sequencer with Avalon-MM Sample Storage (Modular ADC Core IP Core)

Figure 10. Standard Sequencer with Avalon-MM Sample Storage (Modular Dual ADC Core IP Core)