Intel® MAX® 10 Analog to Digital Converter User Guide

ID 683596
Date 5/04/2021

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2.1.4. ADC Prescaler

The ADC block in Intel® MAX® 10 devices contains a prescaler function.

The prescaler function divides the analog input voltage by half. Using this function, you can measure analog input greater than 2.5 V. In prescaler mode, the analog input can handle up to 3 V input for the dual supply Intel® MAX® 10 devices and 3.6 V for the single supply Intel® MAX® 10 devices.

Figure 7. ADC Prescaler Block Diagram

The prescaler feature is available on these channels in each ADC block:

  • Single ADC device—channels 8 and 16 (if available)
  • Dual ADC device:
    • Using Modular ADC Core IP core—channel 8 of first or second ADC
    • Using Modular Dual ADC Core IP core—channel 8 of ADC1 and channel 17 of ADC2