Intel® MAX® 10 Analog to Digital Converter User Guide

ID 683596
Date 5/04/2021

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3.4. Guidelines: Board Design for ADC Reference Voltage Pin

The crosstalk requirement for analog to digital signal is -100 dB up to 2 GHz. There is no parallel routing between analog input signals and I/O traces. Route the VREF traces as adjacent as possible to REFGND.

If a REFGND plane is not possible, route the analog input signal as adjacent as possible to REFGND.

There is one ADC reference voltage pin in each Intel® MAX® 10 device. This pin uses REFGND as ground reference. Keep the trace resistance less than 0.8 Ω.

Figure 28. RC Filter Design Example for Reference Voltage PinPlace the RC filter as close as possible to the analog input pin.