Stratix® 10 Embedded Memory User Guide

ID 683423
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.4. Consider Power-Up State and Memory Initialization

Consider the power-up state of the different types of memory blocks if your design logic evaluates the initial power-up values.
Table 17.  Initial Power-Up Values of Embedded Memory Blocks
Memory Type Output Registers Power-Up Value
MLAB Used Zero (cleared)
Bypassed Read memory contents
M20K Used Zero (cleared)
Bypassed Zero (cleared)
eSRAM Used Undefined

By default, the Quartus® Prime software initializes the embedded memory block in Stratix® 10 devices to zero, unless you specify in the memory contents in a .mif.

The MLAB and M20K embedded memory blocks support initialization with a .mif. You can create .mif files in the Quartus® Prime software and specify their use with the on-chip memory IP when you create an instance of a memory in your design. Even if a memory is pre-initialized (for example, using a .mif), the memory still powers up with its output cleared.