Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition: Custom Platform Toolkit User Guide

ID 683398
Date 5/04/2018

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1.3. Custom Platform Automigration for Forward Compatibility

The automigration feature updates an existing Intel® -registered Custom Platform for use with the current version of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite and the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition.

Automigration is more likely to complete successfully if your Custom Platform resembles an Intel® FPGA Reference Platform as closely as possible.

The following information applies to a Custom Platform that is version 14.0 and beyond:

  1. To update a Custom Platform for use with the current version of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite, which includes the SDK, do not modify your Custom Platform. The automigration capability detects the version of your Custom Platform based on certain characteristics and updates it automatically.
  2. If you have modified a Custom Platform and you want to update it for use with the current version of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite, which includes the SDK, implement all features mandatory for the current version of the Custom Platform. After you modify a Custom Platform, automigration can no longer correctly detect its characteristics. Therefore, you must upgrade your Custom Platform manually.

A successfully-migrated Custom Platform will preserve its original functionality. In most cases, new features in a new Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite or SDK version will not interfere with Custom Platform functionality.

When the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Offline Compiler compiles a kernel, it probes the board_spec.xml file for the following information:
  1. The version of the Custom Platform, as specified by the version attribute of the board XML element.
  2. The platform type, as specified by the platform_type parameter of the auto_migrate attribute within the compile XML element.

Based on the information, the SDK names a set of fixes it must apply during Custom Platform migration. It applies the fixes to the Intel® Quartus® Prime project that the offline compiler uses to compile the OpenCL kernel. It also generates an automigration.rpt report file in the SDK user's current working directory describing the applied fixes.

The automigration process does not modify the installed Custom Platform.

Note: If automigration fails, contact your local Intel® FPGA product's field applications engineer for assistance.