Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition: Custom Platform Toolkit User Guide

ID 683398
Date 5/04/2018

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2.3.17. aocl_mmd_hostchannel_ack_buffer

You can acknowledge write or read from the channel by calling aocl_mmd_hostchannel_ack_buffer.


size_t aocl_mmd_hostchannel_ack_buffer( int handle,
                                        int channel,
                                        size_t send_size,
                                        int *status );

Function Arguments

  1. handle—A positive int value representing the handle to the board obtained from the aocl_mmd_open() call.
  2. channel—A positive int value representing handle to the channel to close obtained from the aocl_mmd_hostchannel_create() call.
  3. send_size—The size in bytes that the user is acknowledging.
  4. status—A pointer to int that the function will write result of the call to.

Return Value

If the function executes successfully, int pointed to by status pointer will be 0. Also, there is no guarantee that the user's send_size will be the actual size that gets acknowledged. The returned size_t will be the amount of bytes that was actually acknowledged.

If the function fails to execute, int pointed by status pointer will be a negative value.