Visible to Intel only — GUID: iyg1517497543802
1.1. Prerequisites for the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition Custom Platform Toolkit
1.2. Overview of the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition Custom Platform
1.3. Custom Platform Automigration for Forward Compatibility
1.4. Creating an Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition Custom Platform
1.5. Applying for the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition Preferred Board Status
1.6. Shipping Recommendations
1.7. Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition Custom Platform Design Revision History
2.3.1. aocl_mmd_get_offline_info
2.3.2. aocl_mmd_get_info
2.3.3. aocl_mmd_open
2.3.4. aocl_mmd_close
2.3.5. aocl_mmd_read
2.3.6. aocl_mmd_write
2.3.7. aocl_mmd_copy
2.3.8. aocl_mmd_set_interrupt_handler
2.3.9. aocl_mmd_set_status_handler
2.3.10. aocl_mmd_yield
2.3.11. aocl_mmd_shared_mem_alloc
2.3.12. aocl_mmd_shared_mem_free
2.3.13. aocl_mmd_reprogram
Function Arguments
Return Value
2.3.14. aocl_mmd_hostchannel_create
2.3.15. aocl_mmd_hostchannel_destroy
2.3.16. aocl_mmd_hostchannel_get_buffer
2.3.17. aocl_mmd_hostchannel_ack_buffer
Visible to Intel only — GUID: iyg1517497543802
2.3.13. aocl_mmd_reprogram
The aocl_mmd_reprogram function is the reprogram operation for the specified device.
The host must guarantee that no other OpenCL™ operations are executing on the device during the reprogram operation. During aocl_mmd_reprogram execution, the kernels are idle and no read, write, or copy operation can occur.
Disable interrupts and reprogram the FPGA with the data from user_data, which has a size specified by the size argument. The host then calls aocl_mmd_set_status_handler and aocl_mmd_set_interrupt_handler again, which enable the interrupts. If events such as interrupts occur during aocl_mmd_reprogram execution, race conditions or data corruption might occur.
int aocl_mmd_reprogram( int handle,
void* user_data,
size_t size );
Function Arguments
- handle—A positive int value representing the handle to the board obtained from the aocl_mmd_open() call.
- user_data—The void* type binary contents of the fpga.bin file that are created during compilation.
- size—The size of user_data in bytes. The size argument is of size_t.
Return Value
If aocl_mmd_reprogram executes successfully, the return value is the pointer value that the host uses to access shared memory.