Visible to Intel only — GUID: fyj1638949974675
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Types of Intel® MAX® 10 Design Update Flow
1.3. Stages of Intel® MAX® 10 Hitless Update Flow
1.4. Intel® MAX® 10 Hitless Update Requirement and Limitation
1.5. Hitless Update using Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer
1.6. Hitless Update using Intel® Jam STAPL Byte-Code Player
1.7. Hitless Update Using Self-Developed Algorithm
1.8. Boundary-Scan Pattern Configuration Bit Location
1.9. JTAG Instructions
1.10. Sample of Hitless Update Algorithm in Jam Format
1.11. Document Revision History for AN 904: Intel® MAX® 10 Hitless Update Implementation Guidelines
Visible to Intel only — GUID: fyj1638949974675
1.7.1. Custom Algorithm Implementation Flow for Intel® MAX® 10 Devices with SC/SA/SL/DC/DF/DA Feature Options
You can implement the hitless update in the Intel® MAX® 10 devices through JTAG Instructions by sampling the existing I/O states, editing the nSTATUS and CONF_DONE I/O bits, and loading it back to the boundary-scan cells. This allows the configuration flow can be well controlled and the I/O state can be retained across the entire configuration flow at the same time.
To implement the hitless update flow, perform the following steps:
Note: Ensure that the Intel® MAX® 10 device is in user mode.
- Shift in desired I/O state or maintain existing I/O state into boundary-scan through SAMPLE/PRELOAD JTAG instruction and update the boundary-scan register with pattern A.
Note: Pattern A is equal to the pattern sampled in user mode, with exception that the CONF_DONE OE bit is set to 0 and the output bit is set to 0, as well as the NSTATUS OE bit is set to 0 and the output bit is set to 0 in order to drive the NSTATUS and CONF_DONE pins to 0.
- Enter ISP mode with the ISP_ENABLE_CLAMP instruction, and stay in the RUNTEST IDLE state for at least 10 TCK pulses.
- Perform an internal flash read or write operation through the ISP_PROGRAM and ISP_READ instructions.
Note: To obtain the Programming specification, contact Intel Premier Support and quote ID #1509940684.
- Disable ISP mode with the ISP_DISABLE instruction, and stay in the RUNTEST IDLE state for at least 10 TCK pulses.
- Exit ISP mode with the EXTEST instruction, and stay in the RUNTEST IDLE state for at least 10 TCK pulses.
- Shift in and update the boundary-scan register with pattern B through SAMPLE/PRELOAD without issuing any instruction.
Note: Pattern B is equal to pattern A, with exception that the CONF_DONE OE bit is set to 0 and the output bit is set to 0, as well as the NSTATUS OE bit is set to 1 in order to pull up the NSTATUS pin externally to 1.
- Wait for device initialization and internal configuration (Refer to the Internal Configuration Time for Intel® MAX® 10 Devices (Uncompressed .rbf) and Internal Configuration Time for Intel® MAX® 10 Devices (Compressed .rbf) tables in the Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Device Datasheet for internal configuration time).
- Shift in and update boundary-scan register with pattern C through SAMPLE/PRELOAD without issuing any instruction.
Note: Pattern C is equal to pattern A, such that the CONF_DONE OE bit is set to 1, as well as the NSTATUS OE bit is set to 1 in order to pull up the CONF_DONE and NSTATUS pins externally to 1.
- Wait for start-up (Refer to the Internal Configuration Timing Parameter for Intel® MAX® 10 Devices table in the Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Device Datasheet for start-up time). Device enters user mode. The design core is running now but I/O state is still clamped.
- Disable EXTEST with JTAG TAP RESET to release the I/O clamp. You can insert any amount of delay before performing JTAG TAP RESET to release the clamp.
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