Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683290
Date 4/04/2022

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1.12. Document Revision History for the Mailbox Client Intel FPGA IP User Guide

Document Version Intel® Quartus® Prime Version Changes
2022.04.04 22.1
  • Updated instances of AXI target to AXI manager.
  • Updated crypto service-specific parameter name from HAS_OFFLOAD to Enable Crypto Service.
  • Added bit 8 and bit 9 in the following tables:
    • Interrupt Enable Register
    • Interrupt Status Register
  • Updated the Command List and Description table.
    • Updated pin status description for the CONFIG_STATUS command.
    • Removed the REBOOT_HPS command.
2021.11.10 21.3 Made the following changes:
  • Updated the device family support for Intel® Agilex™ devices.
  • Added new section describing support for cryptographic services.
  • Revised Interrupt Enable Register table. Added new registers:
  • Revised Interrupt Status Register table. Added new interrupts:
  • Revised Command List and Description table. Updated description for:
  • Updated the mailbox_client_send_cmd command in the Driver API section.
    • Revised response buffer length declaration from a pointer (alt_u32* resp_buf_len) to an integer (alt_u32 resp_buf_len).
    • Added an ENOBUFS-related footnote.
2021.06.21 21.2 Made the following changes:
  • Revised Interrupt Enable Register. Added note about enable bits.
  • Revised Command List and Description table. Updated description for:
  • Revised Read Command Description in the Using the Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IP . Added attention note about accessing SDM over an Avalon® memory-mapped interface.
  • Revised Nios® II HAL Driver. Added text about absolute addressing to the quad SPI.
  • Added mailbox_client_flash_get_info operation in the Driver API section.
  • Removed Driver API Application topic. The content was moved to a file referenced in the Driver API section.
  • Updated Appendix: CONFIG_STATUS and RSU_STATUS Error Code Descriptions. Added 0xD00D - 0xD013 minor error codes descriptions.
2021.03.29 21.1 Made the following changes:
  • Revised the Flow Chart for Response Packet figure and the Read Command Description section.
  • Revised RSU_IMAGE_UPDATE description in the Command List and Description table.
  • Added new topics:
    • Nios® II HAL Driver
    • Driver API
    • Driver API Application
  • Restructured Operation Commands. Moved major and minor error code descriptions for the CONFIG_STATUS and RSU_STATUS commands to the Appendix: CONFIG_STATUS and RSU_STATUS Error Code Descriptions.
2020.12.14 20.4 Made the following changes:
  • Revised block diagram description in the Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IP User Guide topic.
  • Updated the Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IP System Block Diagram figure. The figure depicts various ways to communicate with Mailbox Client IP.
  • Added important note about resetting QSPI flash in the Operation Commands topic.
  • Updated the Command List and Description table:
    • Revised GET_TEMPERATURE command description. Clarified difference between Intel® Stratix® 10 and devices.
    • Revised RSU_IMAGE_UPDATE command description.
      • Added text about resetting QSPI flash.
      • Added text describing behavior between the external host and FPGA.
      • Removed text: Returns a non-zero response if the device is already processing a configuration command.
    • Updated QSPI_WRITE and QSPI_READ descriptions to specify that the maximum transfer size is 4 kilobytes or 1024 words.
    • Corrected response length from 1 to 0 for the QSPI_OPEN, QSPI_CLOSE and QSPI_SET_CS command.
    • Added a new command: REBOOT_HPS.
  • Added new topic: Error Code Recovery.
  • Revised Timer Registers topic. Added footnotes and updated registers description.
  • Updated Flow Chart for Reading Response Packet figure.
2020.10.05 20.3 Made the following changes:
  • Revised GET TEMPERATURE command description for Intel® Agilex™ devices in the Command List and Description table.
  • Added recommendation about the reset synchronizer in the Mailbox Client FPGA Core Signals section.
  • Updated the Error Codes table. Added new error code responses:
    • HW_ERROR
2020.06.30 20.2 Made the following changes:
  • Revised LENGTH and Command Code/Error Code descriptions in the Command and Response Header Description table.
  • Revised GET_TEMPERATURE command description in the Command List and Description table.
  • Removed UNKNOWN_BR command from the Error Codes table.
  • Added new timer feature to handle the error detection for the incomplete transaction timeout error and the SDM backpressure timeout fatal error.
  • Added support for an EOP_TIMEOUT interrupt which indicates that the full command did not include the EOP.
  • Added support for a BACKPRESSURE_TIMEOUT interrupt which indicates that an error within the SDM occurred.
  • Removed SD/MMC text from the CLIENT_ID_NO_MATCH description in the Error Codes table.
  • Updated write and read command descriptions in the Using the Mailbox Client Intel FPGA IP section.
2020.04.13 20.1 Made the following changes:
  • Added the following restriction to the definition of QSPI_SET_CS: Access to the QSPI flash memory devices using SDM_IO pins is only available for the AS x4 configuration scheme, JTAG configuration, and a design compiled for ASx4 configuration. For the Avalon® ST configuration scheme, you must connect QSPI flash memories to GPIO pins.
  • Added the following text to the definition of the Failing image field of the RSU_STATUS command:
    Note: A rising edge on nCONFIG to reconfigure from ASx4, does not clear this field. Information about failing image only updates when the Mailbox Client receives a new RSU_IMAGE_UPDATE command and successfully configures from the update image.
  • Added RSU_NOTIFY command in the Command List and Description table.
  • Revised the Flow Chart for Writing Command Packet and Flow Chart for Reading Response Packet to include the correct sequence for writing commands into a command FIFO and reading response packets from a response FIFO. Updated corresponding Write Command Description and Read Command Description sections.
2020.03.17 19.3 Made the following changes:
  • Updated the Error Codes table:
    • Changed COMMAND_INVALID_ON_SOURCE hex value from 5 to 6.
    • Changed CLIENT_ID_NO_MATCH hex value from 6 to 8.
    • Changed INVALID_ADDRESS hex value from 7 to 9.
    • Added AUTHENTICATION_FAIL command.
    • Changed TIMEOUT hex value from 8 to B.
    • Changed HW_NOT_READY hex value from 9 to C.
2019.09.30 19.3 Made the following changes:
  • Added device support for the Intel® Agilex™ device.
  • Added support for a COMMAND_INVALID interrupt which indicates the command length specified in the header does not match the actual command sent.
  • Changed name of the IP from Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP to Mailbox Client Intel FPGA IP.
  • Revised introduction including the Figure 1: Mailbox Client Intel FPGA IP System Block Diagram.
  • Revised the Flow Chart for Writing Command Packet and Flow Chart for Reading Response Packet to include logic to handle multiple word commands and responses.
  • Changed references to names of all mailbox client IPs. The mailbox clients IP no longer include the Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA in their names.
  • Added reference to AN 891: Using the Reset Release Intel FPGA IP.
  • Added reference to the Intel® Agilex™ Power Management User Guide.
  • Updated the description of the GET_TEMPERATURE command to say the mask argument is optional. When omitted, the command returns the temperature for sensor 0.
  • Updated the RSU_STATUS command to say the highest priority failing image, not the last failing image. The error information is for the first failing image which is the highest priority failing image.
  • Added descriptions for CONFIG_STATUS and RSU_STATUS major and minor error codes.
  • Added HPS_COLDRESET and HPS_WARMRESET to the list of soft functions for the CONFIG_STATUS command.
  • Added Mailbox Client Intel FPGA IP User Guide Archives topic.
  • Added the following Intel FPGA IPs to the list of IPs that require proper use of the Command and Command last registers:
    • Advanced SEU Detection Intel IP
    • Partial Reconfiguration Controller Intel IP
    • Partial Reconfiguration External Configuration Controller Intel FPGA IP
    • Edited entire user guide for clarity and style.
Document Version Changes
  • Updated the Feature Description topic.
  • Added a note to Figure: Command and Response Header Format.
  • Updated Table: Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Command and Response Header Description to update the description for bit[11] of the command and response header.
  • Updated Table: Command List and Description to update the descriptions for CONFIG_STATUS and RSU_STATUS.
  • Renamed topic title Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core Avalon® -MM Interface to Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core Signals.
  • Renamed table title Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core Avalon® -MM Interface to Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core Signal Description.
  • Updated Table: Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core Signal Description to include information on clock and reset signals.
  • Updated Table: Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core Avalon® -Memory Map to remove urgent command and urgent FIFO empty space.
  • Updated the Using the Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core topic:
    • Added new Figures: Flow Chart for Writing Command Packet and Flow Chart for Reading Response Packet.
    • Added a new section—Restrictions.
    • Updated the description in the Writing Command Packet section.
  • Updated the Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core Use Case Examples topic.
  • Made editorial updates throughout the document.
  • Updated the Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core User Guide topic.
  • Updated Figure: Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core and System Block Diagram.
  • Updated Table: Command List and Description:
    • Updated the column name Number of Commands to Command Length.
    • Updated the column name Number of Responses to Respond Length.
    • Corrected the description for QSPI_READ, QSPI_WRITE, and QSPI_ERASE.
  • Updated the description in the Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core User Guide topic.
  • Updated Figure: Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core User Guide.
  • Updated Table: Interrupt Status Register to update the description for DATA_VALID.
  • Renamed the following topic titles:
    • Commands and Error Codes to Commands and Responses
    • Commands to Operation Commands.
  • Updated Table: Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Command and Response Header Description to update the descriptions for Length and Command Code/Error Code.
  • Updated Table: Command List and Description:
    • Updated the number of responses and description for CONFIG_STATUS.
    • Updated the number of responses for RSU_STATUS.
    • Updated the descriptions for QSPI_READ, QSPI_WRITE, and QSPI_ERASE.
  • Updated Table: Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Error Code Responses and Description to update the description for UNKNOWN_BR.
  • Updated the Writing Command Packet and Reading Command Packet sections in the Using the Mailbox Client Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Core topic.
  • Updated the Mailbox Client Intel Stratix 10 FPGA IP Core Use Case Examples topic.
  • Removed the following topics:
    • Example 1: Reading Intel® eASIC™ N5X IDCODE and Voltage
    • Example 2: Read and Write EPCQ-L or QSPI Devices
  • Updated Table: Command List and Description to include the following commands:
    • Updated the descriptions for GET_TEMPERATURE.
    • Added new commands:
      • RSU_STATUS
    • Removed the command GET_DESIGNHASH.
  • Updated Table: Error Code Responses and Description to update the value of the following error code responses:
  • Added a note to Figure: Mailbox Client Intel Stratix 10 FPGA IP Core Block Diagram.
  • Made minor editorial updates.
2018.02.14 Initial release.